Painting back of tank: Pros / Cons


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What are the pros and cons to painting the back of the tank? I have a new tank and was wondering if I should paint the back.

If so, what is type of paint?

Thanks in advance...
When it comes to tanks, I am a big fan of having the back of the tank painted either blue or black (black is my preference). I like this for a couple of reasons... Most importantly, it hides all of the wires that are hanging down from the canopy (all the lights) as well as power heads, and any other equipment that you have in the tank. I think that this really helps to emphasize the reef and or any fish that are on display.
I agree, painting looks better for all the reasons he said. If the tank is already set up then an alternative to painting is putting colored background sheets on it. It comes in different sizes and can be found at a lot of the lfs or pet stores.

If there is no danger of paint fumes or spray hurting anything, then I've used black Krylon paint for light stands with no problems. Just make sure it is a paint that adheres to glass.
Is there a roll on type paint good for glass. I could spray mine as it is in place. I can fit a roller on a handle just fine.
I agree BUT I've used poster board instead. It allows me to change from blue to black and also when I sell the tank its original. Just my opinion
No cons to painting the tank. If you spray or roll, use a latex and tape everything off if you don't want paint splater/mess. If you roll, understand it will take 3 coats to get good coverage. If you want to remove the paint, a razor blade will scrape it off the glass easily.
Thanks man,

Rocket Science huh, lol. Thanks for the heads up on the Latex. I thought it would be some strange thing.

Acroholic;476505 wrote: No cons to painting the tank. If you spray or roll, use a latex and tape everything off if you don't want paint splater/mess. If you roll, understand it will take 3 coats to get good coverage. If you want to remove the paint, a razor blade will scrape it off the glass easily.
tnyga;476499 wrote: i agree but i've used poster board instead. It allows me to change from blue to black and also when i sell the tank its original. Just my opinion
any one got a snap shot of a tank with poster board backing it? Im curious as to what it looks like compared with paint.

As mine is in place and filled, putting a piece of black or blue poster board behind it would make my life easy.
I've draped a piece of canvas on a wooden rod (like a simple curtain) behind my tank. I wanted a sand-like look. It's simple to change to another color and a little water doesn't hurt it.
I heard that black vinyl that is used for lettering signs works best. I would try it on my new tank
Any new methods/opinions develop since this thread ended?

im getting ready to paint the back of my new one but not sure whether to roll or spray. I rolled my 210 and it felt really thick, I was worried of the paint sliding off while drying.

Spray will be easier but i could see issues with that too from overspray and fumes in my garage since i keep my "RO/DI lab" out there. outside is too windy

does anyone "rough up" the back glass prior to painting?
I sprayed mine, but I'll probably try rolling the next one. I'd never even think about "roughing up" the glass... just get it squeaky clean.
cr500_af;526670 wrote: I sprayed mine, but I'll probably try rolling the next one. <span style="font-size: 13px"><u>I'd never even think about "roughing up" the glass</em></u></span>... just get it squeaky clean.

Same here - the guy that sold me my 210 "suggested" it....I never did but had wondered why on earth he would say that, I used some vinegar to clean it really good
Spraying is the way to go. 2 quick spray coats and you're done. Tape off the sides and trim. Pretty easy...
hey gary...if you want to roll it....i have almost a whole qt of gloss black enamel i used for my tank that you could use....shouldnt take much
I sprayed mine, still get some light through it (in front of a bay window). I'll definitely be rolling or using vinyl on the next one.

Remember to tape off the overflows too, if you have an itch to see inside there for any reason.