Parasite Management - White string waste - Fish Died


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Hi, I am a very new member, however an enthusiast with 5 thanks. I have had fish live for 15 years, but got lucky and my tank was basic retail hearty fish (they sure got big). I now work to have more species and different tanks. My two angle fish died this week, looking a bit bloated and have been excreting white string type waste. I did not know this is was a health issue, they died. There is just too much info on the INTERNET to define a plan. I have Paraguay’s, General Cure and CopperSafe in my fish room. It is my 55 gal with about 12 other fish, snails and plants. Do I need to treat the tank before adding new Angels? What treatment is best?

I really appreciate any support very much!
Hi! I agree, what should I treat my tank with? I have some other treatments arriving today,PraziPro, and Seachem Focus, Kanaplex, MetroPlex ???? .also have Paraguay’s and General Cure. I feel like a pharmacy!
Internal parasites are a possibility, but not as common as many think.

Angels especially are omnivorous & some species have very particular requirements. Sponges and/or algae being among them.

Algae in particular provide complex oligosaccharides which function as a natural probiotic, by providing required substrates for the right bacteria to grow in the fishes GI tracts. Without the right diet they often eventually develop problems.

White stringy poop is usually (almost always) an empty fecal cast, composed of just the mucous produced by the digestive tract.

By your description it sounds more like a GI blockage, and/or insufficient/incorrect diet.

What species of angels were they?
What did you feed them?

Here -

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Honestly, I would go to a website like Reef2Reef and look at their fish disease and treatment forum. Humblefish also has a good website: Marine Fish Diseases and Treatment (

Internal parasites are a possibility, but not as common as many think.

Angels especially are omnivorous & some species have very particular requirements. Sponges and/or algae being among them.

Algae in particular provide complex oligosaccharides which function as a natural probiotic, by providing required substrates for the right bacteria to grow in the fishes GI tracts. Without the right diet they often eventually develop problems.

White stringy poop is usually (almost always) an empty fecal cast, composed of just the mucous produced by the digestive tract.

By your description it sounds more like a GI blockage, and/or insufficient/incorrect diet.

What species of angels were they?
What did you feed them?

Here -

FWIW, I think this person is talking about freshwater angels.
You can rule out these (see link) based on your own observations.

The link has descriptions & treatments.

It sounded to me like #6 -
