PBT behavior


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I recently purchased a PBT from my LFS and I noticed a wierd behavior within hours of putting him into my tank. He appears to be rubbing his dorsal fin on my LR and on the sand sometimes. What is he doing/ should I be concerned? In my paranoid state, I thought that he may have a parasite but I have looked at him very carefully and have not noticed any discoloration or white plaques which would indicate ick . . . Please let me know what you think.

I recently purchased a PBT from my LFS and I noticed a wierd behavior within hours of putting him into my tank. He appears to be rubbing his dorsal fin on my LR and on the sand sometimes. What is he doing/ should I be concerned? In my paranoid state, I thought that he may have a parasite but I have looked at him very carefully and have not noticed any discoloration or white plaques which would indicate ick . . . Please let me know what you think.


how long did they have him before you bought him?? PBT's are notorious ick magnets--it's a litle late now, but I'd never by a PBT if it hadn't been in the store for several weeks--some will hold for you, but most wil not--you just have to luck up; sound slike he's got a parasite or someting to me.
To answer your previous questions . . . They had him for about 5 days. Not the recommended several weeks.
To answer your previous question, they had him for 5 days . . . not the recommended several weeks. How contagious is it and what should I do?
that's kinda quick but I've seen LFS 's bring them in, and re-ship them out the same day. I've even bought them like that before (unknowing to the shipping stress back then).
Sry for the double post . . . firefox is not working right. He is eating and i supplement garlic in my foods 2 times a week. Other than that I don't know what I am supposed to do.
how long have you had him?? What else is he in the tank with?/what size tank is he in?
He was just purchased today. I have a 55 gal. and a 20 gal fuge w/hippo tang, b&w clown, 2 anthias, fairy wrasse, pink and blue goby, lawn mower blenny, cleaner shrimp, crabs and snail with multiple coral. Keep my tank at 79-80 degrees
uh oh-I hope the tang police are enjoying a donut at the local Krispy Kreme right now-
According to SFW.com blue hippo need only 40 gal and yes a PBT needs 75 gal, but I do have sufficient flow and technically a 75ish gal system. So what can i do for treatment?
I will take my punishment from the Tang police, but I am more concerned about the immediate health of the tang right now. Sorry 5 - 0
yeah-i'm not gonna jump on you for that-a lot of people have tangs in smaller tanks--but--FWIW-a PBT needs a minimum of 100 gallon tank. The reason is they are 'open water swimmers' and they like swimming in long-strides (if that makes sense). It's not a bioload thing. They also grow 12'' or so-and in a 55 that's about 1/4 of the tank's length. pretty much the same for the blue regal; but...back to your original question--sounds like something parasitic. I'd just watch him for another day, and if he keeps on doing it, then seek treatment (I'm not the one to ask advice on treatment as I have never done it-but would be best in a QT system away from its main display). And its best to not treat your tank he's in--and I'm pretty sure to stay away from copper as tangs don't do well w/ copper treatment. Other will have better advice than me on the treatment
also....the 55 gallon tank plus 20 sump/fuge still is a 55 gallon tank for tank size purposes. The extra 20 gallon sump/fuge is great for helping out w/ your bioload, but will not help reduce an animals stress b/c his tank is too small.
NO CHEMICAL TREATMENT. Just feed with garlic and feed often but small amounts. Red Algea is also a great food for them to keep them healthy. Some of these guys will live for years with ick spots present. Try not to sweat just be proactive with your feeding.
thx for your help . . . one more question if you don't mind. I don't really have a way to QT as this is my only tank. the only other option I have is a 5 gal bucket but obviously if a 55 is too small then a 5 gal bucket is inhumane . . . how should I QT him?
Not a big fan of the tang police but there is some serious validity to needing at least a 6' tank for swimming. How big are the tangs? They should be fine until they get 3-4"