Peek Driveway Heat...

I am not arguing against getting chemicals elsewhere than the store/mail order. I am using regular joe versions of chemicals myself, excepting those that are in runoff from existing supplies. I do not mean to deter, but caution that it's not the same game as tossing around name-brand supplements many people are used to using (again, unless you're doing the Kent thing).

My reasons for caution are:

When measuring the purer versions, the difference between rounded and level can mean a lot to a person used to doing regular dosings with the tamer versions of these chemicals. Overdosing is very easy, especially in smaller systems. Also, calcium chloride will reduce alkalinity, so compensations have to be followed for that as well.

Calcium chloride is a desiccant and quite exothermic which means care must be taken in handling it. If you think calcium carbonate (kalkwasser mix) doesn't feel good accidentally inhaled, wait until you experience calcium chloride on a mucous membrane.

Again, I'm not advocating against it at all. I am merely pointing out that the savings in $$$ comes with a need for greater attention to detail.
Sure....but with this stuff, I have been handling with my bare hand since I have used it. Never a problem. I am not eating it :)

As for measuring. As I stated..I have never done that..Is that bad? Probably not....If people are sticklers for precise dosages...don't do what I do..

All I can tell ya is it works..

If something happens to your tanks...remember I am not telling ANYONE to do what I do.....I do it because I choose so, and it works for me. And me alone. But I am an adventurest.. I like to break the molds and do things differently...I have never been a follower....I was always ahead of the pack in everything I do...

So that said, be warned...don't blame me if something happens..but enjoy the coral growth and remember me when you have to frag those corals....:)
Sprayin70 wrote: Is it pool seasons Calcium Hardness Increaser. That's all I could find on the net."></a>[/QUOTE]

Yes, :yes: Thats what the post above said I believe.
Ahh did it? Harness hardness 2 different words and meanings. I wanted to find the right one.
Ok well you have to realize that some people mess up sometimes and you have to do process of elimination. If he said harness and the only thing you can find is hardness than you have to think that he misspelled a word. Plus how often do we use the word Harness in the world of reef keeping? Im not jumping on you im just saying... I hope you found the right one.
I agree, that's why I asked. If you want to further this conversation please PM me so we can stay on topic.
Anyone tried that hangover medicine Chaser? I was watching the commercial and they said it had Calcium Carbonate with activated charcoal. Kinda freaked me out that someone would actually swallow calcium carb onate and charcoal for a hangover.
Cameron wrote: Anyone tried that hangover medicine Chaser? I was watching the commercial and they said it had Calcium Carbonate with activated charcoal. Kinda freaked me out that someone would actually swallow calcium carb onate and charcoal for a hangover.

The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for calcium carbonate and charcoal both indicate they're non-toxic when ingested. CaCO3 (commonly known as limestone) is an ingredient in antacids, so I wouldn't imagine it being toxic in small amounts.

Charcoal: [IMG]"></a>

Another good cure for a hangover is drinking another beer! :cheers: sucked into the off topic post. My bad.

I did this helpful">link </a>on using de-icers and pool chemicals in the reef tank. The article says both are pretty much the same product from Dow, just repackaged and sold for different purposes. Looks pretty helpful for what you're interested in.

I also found this [IMG]">MSDS </a>for Driveway heat from Dow. It lists a content shown below. Hopefully there are no trace copper salts in there as well.

CaCl2 90-97%
NaCl 1-2%
KCl 2-3%
SrCl2 0-1%
H2O ?%

Regarding safe handling of CaCl2, I would try to avoid skin contact with the anhydrous version, as it is highly exothermic when dissolved in water. The hydrated form of calcium chloride probably isn't as bad when contacted with water. Still, I like to err to the side of caution when handling chemicals.
tsciarini wrote: I'm going to change your user title to "resident thread hijacker"
I am kinda on topic... this thing has Calcium Carbonate and charcoal in it. Ok... Ok... got me. I need to put one of those dog collar shock things on so you can wack me whenever I go off topic.

Oh and about the hangover medicine... I was kidding. When watching the commercial I could just see some aquarist eating a little Dowflake and washing it down with some Black Diamond carbon.
Cameron wrote: Anyone tried that hangover medicine Chaser? I was watching the commercial and they said it had Calcium Carbonate with activated charcoal. Kinda freaked me out that someone would actually swallow calcium carb onate and charcoal for a hangover.
Well, buffer is buffer. And one of the best stomach sickness pills I ever had was just a little black pill that was basically activated carbon. Worked like a charm on my stomach gas and food problems at 16,000 ft. For those that remember their thermodynamics, gas does what at higher elevations? :) NOT fun.
CGill311 wrote: Regarding safe handling of CaCl2, I would try to avoid skin contact with the anhydrous version, as it is highly exothermic when dissolved in water. The hydrated form of calcium chloride probably isn't as bad when contacted with water. Still, I like to err to the side of caution when handling chemicals.
Agreed. Many sources of these chemicals, especially the ones targeting commercial enterprise, assume a level of caution and competency that consumer products compensate for due to lawsuit potential.
Heh. Just noticed I didn't tie to things together: Calcium Chloride would be an excellent maintenance compliment to Kalkwasser since CC depletes alkalinity which KW can raise too high if overdosed.

Or am I making an incorrect association there?