PENDING Any chance of a dark mode on the forums?

Try downloading software. Helps me dramatically.

I was searching to see if this was an option on this forum and it seems like we just need to import the theme. I will be honest I could be completely wrong bc I have no exp w this application but I figured I'd post a link if anyone higher up wanted to look into it.

The only thing I'm not sure of is if it changes the entire color scheme of the forum or adds a selection to switch between dark and light mode.

I see that reef2reef also uses XenForo and that forum has a selection to change between dark and light mode. Does anyone know one of the admin there that could tell us what plug-in they use?
I think before we attempt changing appearances we should get board/membership feedback. Before we change the forum appearance I'd like to get it to where everyone (including myself) can log in to the forums without using/paying for a VPN. Additionally, web browsers have the ability to do dark mode without modifying the forum itself.
id also love a dark mode
I think before we attempt changing appearances we should get board/membership feedback. Before we change the forum appearance I'd like to get it to where everyone (including myself) can log in to the forums without using/paying for a VPN. Additionally, web browsers have the ability to do dark mode without modifying the forum itself.
strange why would you have to use a vpn?
Until if/when we look at a quality theme that stays up to date with XF patches a dark mode is going to be difficult it implement. It is on our radar though.

In the mean time. There is an extension for Chrome called Deluminate I believe the there is one for Firefox too.