People using Sure flow Maxi mod kit ????

roland jacques

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I've just heard of a person who has had problems with this kit.

I'm using about 18 of these with only one isolated problem, just looking of others input. ( if your is another brand like ECO... im not interest in those right now. i no those have problems)

The problem i had was using the small prop with some old 1200 Maxi Jets. ( They made noise in this configuation)

Also FWIW my favorite combo is 400 MJ with the small prop.
i put one on a mj600 in a 58g. my recovering frogspawn hated it. was used for less than a day.

I am currently using MJ400,600,900 and 1200's with the SureFlo mods. I have not had an issue with any of them. What a great way to give new life to my old worn out maxi jets or turn a new mediocre powerhead into a flow monster.

I did recently hear of a Ritteri getting a little close to one and the results were not very desirable. I have a rose no more than 3 inches from a modded 600, i thought he would move on his own as I am not going to break the cap that he has decided to move into.

Placement of the unit too high in the tank will result in a vortex of air, I have found that placing them more than 8 inches deep works best.
just bought one last week and put it on my 600 originally and that was too much for my 55gal. Its now on my 400. I will be buying another one for my 600 when the 110 gets going!
Fish Scales' How long have you been using them? just trying to seeing if anyone is having any long term reliability problems. Ive been using some for 7 months now with no problems.
I find them hard to place them in smaller tanks, koralias may be better for smaller tanks. In a 55 I had to deflect the stream off a rock and point them toward the surface even with running them off a MJ400...
I set my first 600 up in Jan. so I dont really have any longterm reliability reports. Koralia may work better in smaller tanks but the MJ mod is smaller and way more flow. It sure is fun watching my Yellow Tang swim marathons directly in front of the 1200 in my 120.