Peppermint shrimp gotta go

dylan ringwood

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Looking for help on how to catch these shrimp they did there role for getting rid of aiptasia, now they like to steal food from my lps and apparently eat the tissue off my chalice frags? So Again Looking to catch and rehome. Free or if feeling generous a frag of anything fairly new don't have too many! No obligations thanks.

i could be addicted to worse things..
Located in newnan, I would prefer not to have to tear the tank apart to get these 2 guys

i could be addicted to worse things..
This is the post I had for catching my damsel that worked great indirectly for the shrimp too.
MYREEFCLUB0070;964610 wrote: This is the post I had for catching my damsel that worked great indirectly for the shrimp too."></a>[/QUOTE]

All these options are and option so try one and all, you can always borrow an eel from someone.
Good luck.
Thanks for the link to it. Gotta say I laughed at a few of them haha

i could be addicted to worse things..
Y-Not;964656 wrote: My Firehawk LOVES peppermints.:lol2:
No tony I am not feeding your fish! hahaha. If I get a hold of them I plan on giving them to Josh there.

i could be addicted to worse things..
I used a decent sized drinking glass. put a piece of shrimp in it and held it about 2 or 3" from the side glass. shrimp were a little reluctant at first but after 5 mins or so they were inside chomping away. then quickly move glass against side of tank, slide to top and tip up. Just don't slam too hard. I got a little excited and didn't break anything, but the clank was harder than i expected when the drinking glass hit the side glass.

plastic cups won't work, needs to be clear as a bell.
Alright they are outta here! Thanks for letting me using your trap Andy and enjoy Josh.

i could be addicted to worse things..
i have had a peppermint shrimp in for about 4 months i can't get out...i too bought them for aptasia control and that was taken care of in 48 hours....the rest of the time has been spent trying to get them out, dang lps eaters!!! I got one out pretty easy but his brother is so much smarter hasn't fallen for any of my traps. If i get him out someone can have him for free too