Pest ID

Flatworms for the win! As far as pests and problems go, not an all together terrible one to get. You've got 2 options to get rid of them (or a combo of both)":
  1. Treat with Flatworm Exit by Salifert or something similar. Follow the instruction and you'll be good to go.
  2. Get a wrasse or some other fish that will eat them and let nature take it's course!
I would encourage you to take action sooner rather than later because problems come up when the population is too high. You probably knew all of this but I'm in a typing mood. I mean, what else am I going to do on a Saturday night?
agreed... Flatworm exit; I usually do at 1.25 the recommended concentration. And I also did them every 2-3 days for several dosings. Definitely don’t neglect hunting them down and individually siphoning them up when they’re weakened/killed by flatworm exit.

Fortunately, some of these mushroom flatworms spread like wildfire, but dont wreak too much havoc (nothing like Nudis or Acro flatworms). So take care of business, and cross your fingers as well.
Springer damsels, sixlines, and female dragonettes :) with a smaller tank, the springer damsels would probably be your best choice.
Flat worm exit .

Well I put 28 drops in my tank as directed. Within 5min there was hundreds of flat worms scurrying from mushrooms , evacuating my goniopora , and fleeing my alveopora . There was a ton more than I ever imagined .
sounds right... That’s when I grab my 1/4” hose and start siphoning them up! Don’t wait and let them release their toxins all over your tank.

Once I can’t see any left to siphon, or if my timer goes off to let me know I’m taking too long. I start the water change, and throw in some fresh carbon.
Make sure you vacuum them out so you don’t have an issue with too many dead flatworms in your system.