PH low even with Kalk!

OK, so that did not fix the problem. Turns out that same day my better half opened a window without telling when she closed it the tank slowly went back to a PH of 7.7.

SO I ws like WTF? Yesterday I opened the windows because it was nice out, and viola tank runs all the way up to a PH of 8.1. I closed them later that night and the PH dropped all the way to 7.8. So as an experiment I opened the window next to the tank last night and when I woke up this morning the tank was at 8.12.

So how am I going to fix this? I live in a brand new brick house, so it is obviously sealed very tight. I guess the co2 just builds up really fast in theis house.

I cannot leave the window opened all day everyday because of temperatures here, and security. How can I get the co2 level in my house down?

I read that you can run the intake for your skimmer outside, but like I said, this is a brand new house, I am not cutting holes in it.
If I can figure out a way to lock my window with it not being all the way closed, I will do it, but I just cannot think of a way to lock it. I would just run a 1/2 in PVC pipe through the window and seal the rest with a little plastic. It I can get it locked it would work.
DannyBradley;260781 wrote: Running an air line from outside was going to be my suggestion.

I want to do that as soon as I figure out how to run it past 2 doorways and a livingroom in my apartment (blah)
Drill a hole in your window and install a bulkhead. Pipe air in that way. :)
stacy22;260807 wrote: Drill a hole in your window and install a bulkhead. Pipe air in that way. :)

LOL! my better half would become my murderer!