ph monitor ?


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<p style="text-align:left;">ok so i have a ph monitar and it read 8.4 as my ph but something happened and it went dry so i went to calibrate the probe and when i stuck my ph probe in my tank my ph reads 7.8 thats a big difference now what i want to ask is my probe bad i dont think its the solution as i use 3 differnt ones 2 i got from a friend and one that i bought and they all read 7-7.1 .now if its not bad is it normal for a probe to change that drimaticaly in a 6 month period that i had it running, that it would throw of my reading buy that much that once cali. it would have been giving me a wrong reading all this time? (sorry if its hard to cmprehand my grammer but its one of my weeknesess)
The probe must remain wet/damp to function properly. You may want to check it against another pH monitor or just buy a new probe.
Showtime305;83602 wrote: The probe must remain wet/damp to function properly. You may want to check it against another pH monitor or just buy a new probe.
yeah i know it has to stayu wet but it ended up drying out thats why i re calibrated it but i thought about testing it against another one before i buyu another probe 40 bucks is not cheap especially if i dont need it :D but thanks aj
just the 7.1 you wouldnt happen to have a ph monitor i can compare this to i could borrow for a few min
If you didn't calibrate high/low and 7, you probably didn't get that calibrated right, if the probe is less than a year old, I would do that and see, if not get a new one, I change the probes once a year..... they are not very realiable past that time....
From Milwaukee Intruments FAQ:

Q. Why is it important to keep my ph probe wet?
A. All ph probes use a cloth junction in the construction of the probe. This cloth is part of the diagnostic process in reading the ph. If the cloth becomes dry the unit will not be able to read.

Q. How long will my pH probe last?
A. All Milwaukee Instruments a warranted for 1 year and should last from 18 to 24 months if the probe is kept wet in the proper storage solution and kept clean

Q. How can I test the life left in my probe?
A. A simple test can be performed using Windex glass cleaner with ammonia and any type of soft drink The procedure is as follows: Turn your meter or tester on and place the probe in a soft drink which is acidic and the reading will be from 2.7 to 3.9 then go to the Windex with ammonia which is alkaline. Your dis play should move very quickly up the scale to 10.5 – 11.8 If the probe slowly moves up the scale then it is time to consider replacing it.

Q. Do I have to calibrate before each use?
A. No, most units hold calibration very well. If you are using your unit every day then check it once a week. If you get a reading that is above or below what you were expecting then check the calibration at that point and retest your solution.

Q. Can I reuse my pH calibration solution.
A. No, evaporation and contamination quickly change the mix.

Q. My pH meter has a little mold or dirt on the white strip and bulb will that affect the performance?
A. Yes, you can clean the probe in Isopropyl Alcohol ( rubbing alcohol ): Put the probe in full strength for 10 min. stirring gently then rinse well in tap water and let sit in Bottle Drinking Water ( RO water ) for 2 hours and then recalibrate.
I don't think it is necessary to calibrate the slopes on the Milwaukee SMS120 unless you are reading around pH 4.0 or pH 10.0.

Try soaking the probe in some RO water overnight, then retry your calibration and the try the coke/windex test described in the FAQ above. If it is not reading correctly after that you probably need a new one.
wow sam thanks for all the usefull information ...i bet all this is in the instruction manual lolwill give it a shot if its not working properly ill probably stop by and buy one ...but wou;d still like to borrow one to compare thanks victor
flaco626nj;83622 wrote: just the 7.1 you wouldnt happen to have a ph monitor i can compare this to i could borrow for a few min

Yes, I do, come on over! PM sent.
George;83788 wrote: Great info Sammy. Do you have any detail on what the storage solution should be?

Not sure on that one. :huh: Try the other FAQ's at this link">Milwaukee Instruments</a>


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