I could never get the Reef Crystals to dissolve well for me. I don't know why. When I used it my pH was chronically low. I guess all the buffering compounds were what was in the powder that just sat on the bottom and never dissoloved. I switched back to Instant Ocean and that helped me a lot.
Also, keep in mind that when the manufacturers boost calcium they usually do it at the expense of something else, and calcium and carbonates are always a trade off when it comes to dissloving. You can only put so much of one or the other into solution.
Is your salt completely dissolving, no powder left over in the container?
What's your calcium testing at?
The only accurate test I have found locally is Seachem's. The other one I tried read 100ppm too high.
What are you using to measure your salinity? I used a hydrometer and then a refractometer that was miscalibrated. My salinity was too low with the hydrometer, not enough salt, not enough buffering compounds.
I can't believe that your pH is that low. Sounds to me like your test kit is bad. Before you do anything to your water chemistry, I would strongly recommend that you make sure your hydrometer or refractometer is measuring correctly, and I would recommend picking up a SeaChem pH & total alkalinity test to compare against the one you have.
My hunch is that your water is pretty good and your testing kits or procedures are the problem. Let's make sure all of that is under control before we start adding things that you might not need.