Pickling lime-kalkwasser question.

That depends on whether you want it fully saturated or not. 2 level teaspoons per gallon is fully saturated.
I know there are many people that use it this way but as the rate of evaporation changes so does the amount of top off water used. That doesn't lend itself to stability.
Depend on the corals. I do about a teaspoon for 2 gal of water. Testing will help how much the corals need. Remember not all tank is the same. Do it low at first and raise it it slowly will help corals adjusting better
Is it ok to add trace elements to the Top off water? I do my water change about every two weeks, So I add some trace elements the first of the second week. Not much, just about 1/10 of what the bottle calls for in my 120 gal setup. Everything in my tank is small right now.