Pink Margin Wrasse problem


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Can anyone possibly answer this question. Bought a beautiful Pink Margin wrasse from Live Aquaria 2 weeks ago. She eats like a pig. This past weekend she would just hang vertically in the water and try to swim. What could be wrong? Could it be a swim bladder problem? Can anyone offer advise? She could never right herself horizontally. Is she doomed or is there anything that can be done? She's my favorite fish.
That is kinda what it sounds like to me. If you can, move her to a QT tank with lesser flow, but good oxygenation. They can also get bacterial infections which can effect the swim bladder, so if it is a swim bladder prob, it may not have been collection/handling. Good luck.
Excellent choice. Pink margins are beautiful fairy wrasses.

Wrasses are fairly resistant to most of the common diseases out there but seem to have a higher proclivity for swim bladder infections than most fish. It is very unlikely that the fish will be able to recover naturally so as Jeremy said you should remove it and QT it.

In addition though, I believe you need to give it antibiotics in order for it recover. Some fish can correct swim bladder infections on their own but I've yet to see a fairy wrasse survive this type of infection without antibiotics.

There are lots of antibiotics out there and methods of dealing with bacterial infections. I recommend though that you start with a gram negative antibiotic. More likely than not the pathogen is gram negative and although you can use harsher methods to kill the bacteria, a gentle touch as possible is preferred.
