Plate coral help

Tbub1221;1039449 wrote: From the picture id say that chalice got it one night and its just stn at the sting sight , some stings stn very slowly for months. Even if its not the chalice I'd still move it you really need a good hand with between it and its neighbors even if the flow blows the sweepers away I'd move it some and I would dip the plate and check the exposed skeleton for va
Vermetide snails and put it off the sand bed on a flat rock or id cut a 1/2" long piece of pvc pipe to put it on and that may help eliminate a few problems if it doesn't fix it at least we know its not that.

I think I'm going to try and move the red chalice, dip the plate in iodine and set it on a peice of PVC, and increase its feeding to try and help it heal.