plate coral not healing b/c of crabs?


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Sorry, one more question: My plate coral still is not doing that well and I notice that my hermit crabs are picking on him all the time....on the part that his tissue has receded and I was thinking that that is not letting him heal properly......

If I were to make a plastic little "cage" type thing o put around him so that water and light still got too him but crabs didn't, would that be a good idea?
A better idea is to remove those crab. Today they pick on your plate coral tomorrow they pick on something else. Crab have a harbit of doing thing like that
its his regular hermit crabs, jorge make a lil box that you can stick into that about 4" or so tall, make sure the top is open so water can flow in. Keep it there for a lil bit and target feed the plate with mysis and brine, you should start to see some recovery.
thaks lee.....

thats what i was thinking....just have to find a plastic little box that I could use for it.....
If he is a hermit, you should be able to nab him with your hands. I haven't seen one that moves all that fast yet. Emeralds and non-shelled crabs can move lightning fast, but a hermit is pretty slow from what I have seen. Just grab that sucker next time you see him and throw him in your sump.