Hello everyone, can you please help identify the following items. Thanks The top one I believe is snail eggs if I remember someone saying before, I'm not sure on the lower pic. It's some sort of white looking worm. Thank you for your help...
Thanks Bobby, I think so also but was in a bit of denial!!! I just finished reading a few articles about them, I guess their not as bad as I originally thought.
Yah cerith snail eggs... and that looks like something other than a bristleworm. I've always just called them scary worms as they are different from bristles and have a more "tremors" look to them.
Yah cerith snail eggs... and that looks like something other than a bristleworm. I've always just called them scary worms as they are different from bristles and have a more "tremors" look to them.
I don't think either are a problem. I'd guess bristle worm based on the pic and how extremely common they are. Either way, eggs are free food and various worms are decent detritivores.