Please Help, Lighting question!


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8"><span style="color: #800080;">eBay: 24" 380W Metal Halide Aquarium Light New (item 130133874431 end time Jul-19-07 10:21:08 PDT)</span></a>

Could someone check this out and tell me if they think this is too much lighting for my 30g tank?

My 192 watt fixture blew, I've gone through two other lights for various reasons since. Thought since I'm upgrading that I should UPGRADE.

Thing is, I have a tank of softies and considering getting a BTA.

Think I should stick with a 192watt compact flourecent instead?

Thanks for any imput
This fixture would be suspended about six inches over the tank. I can't find a decently priced MH/HQI fixture that also offers actinic, and I need to do something ASAP, also, would this 24" fixture that I'm thinking about do well over a 36" tank, as i'm going to go look at a 58 gallon tank tomorrow?

Thanks for your input!
You can never have too much lighting if you bought the light system as a complete fixture designed for aquarium use.

Maybe if you put a 1000w 2'' off your water and ur tank is 6'' deep. Then you might have a problem.
Well, I'm seriously considering this light. It was easier shopping for a light when I was on a tight budget, now that I've been given "permission" to use the AMEX to buy a light, desicions are harder. What about using the 24" fixture on a 36" tank in the future, I think the tank is only like 21 inches deep. Also, what is the RBTA going to prefer?

Thanks again!
The brightest light your money can buy. It also save you from thinking about upgrading. I had 175X2MHI and 96X2PCs, that didn't last long till i went with the high powered ones.
But, would I still be able to use this 24" fixture on a 36" tank?

Well... Are you going to hang it or use legs? If you're going to hang it then 24'' is fine. If you want legs then look for a high power 36'' for a comparable price.
Also, since I'm new to MH, how often do the bulbs need to be replaced? How long do ballasts last? I dont want to buy something I cant afford to maintain in the future. Of corse this is coming from someone whose gone through 3 PC fixtures in 3 weeks

I plan to hang it about 6 inches above the tank, could go up to 18 inches if need be
I would go 6''. if you think you can work on the tank with less room then I would go 4'' or 5''. Lower the better. But you will need some way to cool your tank such as fans or chiller or and some ac in the house at least when the lights are on if you only use fans.

If temp don't go pass 84 then you're fine.
How many watts of T5 would I need to light a 36" tank that is only 16 inches deep?

I think it has been said before about the Watts per gallon rule has been totally blown out of the water.

If you are going full blown T5 set up, the most important thing is that each bulb has its own individual reflector.

If you get the retros you can get Icecap or Tek reflectors. There are new Tek 2 reflectors that are suppose to be even better then the Icecaps. I would love to see a comparison of the light outputs of the different reflectors.

I have A Tek T5 4' 6 Bulb fixture. I would have loved to retro a canopy but I didn't want to have to buy or make a canopy and the Tek Fixture wasn't that much more then the retros.

One great thing about T5's but also can be a pain in the butt is the fact that you have so much of a bulb selection. You can really customize the look of the tank with your bulb selection. But you can also put out alot of PAR but have a bit of a whiter tank if you like that or have a very blue tank making everything really stand out but sacrificing PAR.

If you are looking for a fixture there are both 4 bulb and 6 bulb fixtures from Sunlight Supply(Tek) I would suggest you get the 6 bulb since you are going to be looking for a 40 breeder the extra depth or the tank will allow you to utilize more bulbs. The Tek fixtures do come with the fasteners to hang the fixture you still need to get cables or what not to hang them from. I opped to get the expensive legs. The legs are nice but I really don't think they are worth full price they are asking.

Oh and to help you make your decision here is a comparison of the different kind of t5 bulbs."></a>

Now these numbers can't be used to compare T5's to MH's. Its helpful if you decide to go with T5 with bulb selection.
For a 36'' tank you can get away with 175 Double Ended MHI and some T-5s for PCs. I say you should go with a 250w Double Ended instead. This way if you want to keep colorful corals later on, there will be no need to upgrade.

The rule with lights is You Get What You Paid For. Also, American made and China made is a big difference after the fixture is over 1 year old.

Spend 100-200 more one the light will probably save you more money down the road in upgrades or replacements :)

Just my 45 cents.