Please watch your tank temp.


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With the recent temp swing from 140 degrees to 65 during these rainy nights; I suggest everyone, who havn't got a chiller and a heater hooked up already,to check their temperature during 4-6pm, and again at or before 7am to ensure stability. Heater would probably be necessary because some tanks can swing up/downwards of 6 degrees in 12 hours. Corals won't like this very much.

Most chillers have a outlet on them made for a heater, this would probably be the best way to keep things in line. If it's not possible then a reliable heater would do the trick.

Happy Reefing everyone.
Holy crap your tank got to 140 degrees, guess your fish are dead? And every thing else.
<span style="color: black;">As for temperature, I was exaggerating about the weather conditions of the past month... </span>

All is well and nothing is dead. Thanks for the concern.
My heater never kicks on thanks to my cold natured/hearted wife who keeps the thermostat at 79. It has always been a chilling down hill battle for me :)