plumbing questions plus some.


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Got a sump and am in the process of plumbing it, had a couple of questions, do I need to hard plumb the returns , and can they be in such a small part of the sump together without any problems? their aqua-mag 5 and a 7.
also using my Rodi for the first time ,it's a bulk reef suply 75gpd, the water coming out went from tasting like charcoal to now tasting like mint? I'm assuming that's not normal, is there something I'm doing wrong?
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You don't need to hard plumb the returns, you can run flexible hose buy hard pluming looks butter and easier to add on valves and other attachments.
Why 2 pumps?
its for a 125G with 2 drains and 2 returns the gentleman at the LFS recommended to get a UV sterilizer , and to run 2 separate pumps, a 500gph for the return with the sterilizer, and a 700 on the other instead of doing a splitter on a 900, do they make 3/4 hose like the one in my picture that came with the sump? I ask because I would rather do hoses like that.
+1 ^^

No! your water shouldn't taste like mint! Did you get a TDS meter with your RODI? If not, pick one up and check that your water registers 000 TDS. If it don't and you bought used, you may need new filters!
You can get most all size house at Lowes or HD. Make sure you get Potable hose only!

That hose looks like it came from a LFS, you can also order online. I've got several new of those but I'm to far away. You don't have to run all that type tho, I'd recommend you don't. I've had those break at the top on me twice! Pool supply also sells some.
You just need to make sure it's safe for drinking...

Did you glue those hose in? If not get you some clamps to tighten them down!
No It didnt come with a TDS meter, and its brand new off the shelf of LFS, and I was all over lowes and HD the last 3 days looking for all sorts of stuff, and couldnt find anything similar to what came with the sump for a hose. :smashfreakB:
I always check the TDS on my water before it goes in my tank.
I like the dual TDS meters and run it in the lines of the RODI to make checking it easier. Have one check your TDS as the water comes out of your membrane and one check as it comes out done.
The membrane is the expensive filter on top....
More pumps more heat, I ran my 120 with a mag 12 an fed all my acc. With that till I change to the jebao dc1200.
Please remember that your local fish store job is to sell and sell they will ( depends on which ).
Personally I would do PVC, just an over all cleaner look.
Mags put out a lot of heat, I would invest in a single good pump and use a short flex hose to connect from the pump to the PVC to compensate for a little vibration.
You would also want to in stall a check valve on the return.