Plumbing/Switching Tanks


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Im finally about finished with my stand and ready to move the contents (sadly whats left) of my 75 gallon thats in the garage to the new 90gal in the dinning room.

How long do I need to wait before using pipe fittings that have been glued with PVC glue? Do I need to rinse or anything?

When I do the switch I will need to add at least 15gal of fresh salt water due to the size increase, I would like to do a very large water change. How much could I safely change without creating a cycle?

Should I expect any cycle/should I wait to start adding new life to the tank? Ill be transfering sand and about 100lb of live rock about 10 feet between tanks.
izib wrote: How long do I need to wait before using pipe fittings that have been glued with PVC glue? Do I need to rinse or anything?

I'm not sure how long it takes to set, so I guess you should follow the set time on the bottle. Some glues are wet-set so you may be able to run water through it sooner than later, but there is no point in pushing it. You should rinse the pipe out after the glue has set.

izib wrote: When I do the switch I will need to add at least 15gal of fresh salt water due to the size increase, I would like to do a very large water change. How much could I safely change without creating a cycle?

Since you are stirring up your sandbed, there's a good chance that your tank will go through a mini cycle. You can probably change out half of the water and let everything settle down before adding the fish back into the tank.

izib wrote: Should I expect any cycle/should I wait to start adding new life to the tank? Ill be transfering sand and about 100lb of live rock about 10 feet between tanks.

You may or may not see a cycle, but play it a safe. I've waited atleast 2 days to 2weeks prior to adding my fish back into my tank.
I completely agree with AJ... take it slow.

A lot of PVC cements say that it takes 24 hours to set. You can wait a day.
I second that, if there is going to be any pressure on the pipes, wait 24hrs
Is 24 hours enough though? I remember thinking it should set longer.
izib wrote: Is 24 hours enough though? I remember thinking it should set longer.

Yes. I think around 95% of the strength is there in 24 hours.
And anything that would leach out into the water should be cured within 24 hours?
while I am NOT saying that you should do this... I've plumbed a tank and had water flowing withing 15minutes. If you wait overnight (or 24hours as these guys are suggesting), you should be perfectly fine.
I did new construction plumbing a while back we plumbed tubs with pvc and ran water with it 10 minutes, your good.;)
Don't get me wrong, I have run stuff I just put together as well. If there is any pressure on the connection, such as lines to a becket skimmer, etc., I would wait 24 hrs.
We all have pulmbed a tank and run water through it quickly...

I guess the consensus is, if you can stand the wait... You have already waited some time, what is another day.

Better Safe than Sorry