Pom Pom Crabs

linda lee

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I have two little pom pom crabs (aka boxer crabs) in a 2g tank with sand and LR. They've been in there now for a couple of weeks. Today when I came home from work and checked on them (theirs is usually the first tank I check), I was dismayed to see one laying on its back in the sand, obviously dead.

Heartbroken, I showed it to Loren who, of course, said "that's just a molt."

Sure enough, when I took it out, we discovered a hollow shell. Then Loren reminded me of something we'd read:

http://www.saltwaterfish.com/site_11_03/product_info.php?products_id=172&parent_category=4&category_search=63&root_parent_id=4">"Often times in the home aquarium Crabs will leave this translucent shell in full view so it can serve as a distraction while the Crab finds a hiding place and allows its new shell to harden."</a>[/B]</em>

Smart little crabs! The proud molter appeared later in the evening sporting her ever-expanding clutch of eggs.

These are fascinating critters to watch!

Yes, I have a Scarlet crap that I'd have sworn died 5 times in the past year. once I even saw a shrimp devouring the carcus. I've always found him a few days later on the rock pile nibbling at stuff.

Now, I don't even think twice when I see his old exoskeleton laying on bottom.

Those craps are pretty, where'd you get them?
Glad to hear yours are doing good. I just love the 2 that I got at Blue Planet as well. The only problem is I put them in my 75, and they get lost easily.