Possible Frag Plugs


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So I was looking at the house next door being built with my mom, and I came across the trash can with a bunch of tiles in it. Being the way I am I am always looking for aquarium things. Anyways, I am wondering if these tiles could be used as frag plugs and if I need to do anything to them besides soaking them in water for awhile.

Thanks guys!
I don't think there is any issue so long as you cure them. Put them in your toilet... the back reservoir portion for a few weeks at least. There's a guy on RC that actually uses the 1 inch marble tiles to coat the floor of his tank. He lets zoas and other corals spread all over the bottom of the tank and this makes it easy to frag... just remove the tile you want and replace with a fresh one :).
I kept my BAF plugs/disks in the toliet for several months. Works great for curing. Just make sure you check them every so often to make sure they aren't dropping down the drain hole!
Some kind of little perforated container or a filter bag would solve that problem.

I've cured man made base rock in a toilet before. They weren't large pieces, obviously. I suppose it saved water, too.
They are in the tank on the back of the toilet...water changes as you flush, helps cure the plugs/disks. You don't place them in the bowl, man what a mess that would be....!
Well I don't really mean curing, I just mean soaking them to get rid of any chemicals in it.
Maroons15;33818 wrote: Well maybe I'm missing it or something but what do you do when you go the bathroom?
:lol2: You know I had the EXACT same reaction the first time someone said "Put it in the toilet tank".

My exact response was, "Uh, am I supposed to go in the sink or something?"
nah nah, keep em in there and go as you wish, at least you'll get an ammonia spike :p In all seriousness tho you'll keep them in the back of the tank to wash off any chemicles and to cure the concrete. Like making base rock or concrete walls for freshwater tanks you need to cure the concrete cuz it has a very high Ph, upwards of 14+ Once cured its all good to put in the tank, you could also soak the tiles in vinegar for a bit.
I'm glad some one thinks like me, somewhat. I'll give it a try. I used one today to mount a little polyp of yellow star polyps and it seems pretty good. I might also try the vinegar to be on the safe side.