Power Heads for 90 Gallon

sj miller guy

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Well after running some Korila 2's in my 90 for a while, I've come to the conclusion that they might not be enough. My return pump is a mag 9 split into a dual return to mix up the flow and I'm also running 2 Korila 2's.

What is everyone else running with the Korila's? I'm thinking of stepping up to the 3 series.
go to the 4s i was using the 3's on my 90 and i needed more flow i now have a tunze 6080 and 6045 which i will be selling soon when i get two vortech
I thought about the 4's, but my buddy just put them in his 125 and they blast through that tank. I'm worried about them being too much flow.
i wouldnt think so the 6080 is rated at 2250 gal an hour and its fine and the 6045 is rated at around 1450 gal an hour
The price difference isn't too much at all between the 3's and 4's. The main thing I'm worried about is sand erosion which is the problem I had before I split my return into a dual outlet. I'm trying to avoid that.

Did you have any sand issues with the 4's?
Tunze Nano Stream all the way; Low wattage, great flow, reliable, best customer service around.
the koralia has a real wide flow pattern you could also point them up some so they break up the top surface i have a little sand move with my flow but thats cause the flow is all gowing towards one directionbut its not that bad that i have a sand storm
Spend the cash on the controllable tunze, whether it's the nanos or streams. Hydors are great, but you'll never be happy until you have a pump that you can control the flow on.
I've got (2) Tunze 6055's and a Vortech on my 90 and love it. I have used the hydor's as well and I really like them,but the fact that these are controllable makes it nice. Hydor has semi announced that they are manufacturing a controllable line of pumps in the near future. How "near" would be the question. Also, let me say this; I had a Korallia 3 go bad after about 11 months. I used the contact info on their website and within just a couple of hours had a reply. I sent the old powerhead to California, and he sent me a new one, no questions asked. I can't complain about that type customer service.

And not to knock Tunze, but some of their products seem and feel
"flimsy" to me. I am always extra careful to not break the &@#* things!
reefknight;146612 wrote: And not to knock Tunze, but some of their products seem and feel
"flimsy" to me. I am always extra careful to not break the &@#* things!
Uhm....What products are you talking about? The tunze are FAR more sturdy than the hydors. I broke a cover on one of mine just trying to tighten it. I've never heard anyone questioning the durability of the tunze.
I have broken three pieces to my Nano Reef pack (Outlet nozzle, venturi elbow on skimmer and inlet filter skimmer on nano filter) and look how many people have had broken C-clamps on the Nano stream line. Roger is constantly mailing out a supply of these if you watch the posts on Tunzes' RC forum. The nano pumps included in the Reefpack are a constant PITA, as they freeze up and stop running. You have to disassemble the entire piece and re seat the impeller shaft. Trust me its a pain.

Again, I'm not saying that their products are not effective, but I feel the plastic is rather "flimsy". It may be "my" experiences with them that has lead me to this thought, but it is my opinion. Will it stop me from buying other products of theirs, no. I would have like to have seen the "build quality" of some of their products before I purchased however.

Point taken on the other equipment, but the pumps are another story(which is what we are talking about). Yes the nanos had issues, but they were fixed and replaced. Did you hear about the stray, leaking voltage on the hydors? I'd rather have a broken clamp than get zapped by a powerhead anyday.

reefknight;146638 wrote: I have broken three pieces to my Nano Reef pack (Outlet nozzle, venturi elbow on skimmer and inlet filter skimmer on nano filter) and look how many people have had broken C-clamps on the Nano stream line. Roger is constantly mailing out a supply of these if you watch the posts on Tunzes' RC forum. The nano pumps included in the Reefpack are a constant PITA, as they freeze up and stop running. You have to disassemble the entire piece and re seat the impeller shaft. Trust me its a pain.

Again, I'm not saying that their products are not effective, but I feel the plastic is rather "flimsy". It may be "my" experiences with them that has lead me to this thought, but it is my opinion. Will it stop me from buying other products of theirs, no. I would have like to have seen the "build quality" of some of their products before I purchased however.

flinster;146594 wrote: Spend the cash on the controllable tunze, whether it's the nanos or streams. Hydors are great, but you'll never be happy until you have a pump that you can control the flow on.
i would have to agree with matt on this one i am not happy with the flow because i cant controll it thats why im getting to vortechs i would get tunzes but i wont achive what i want with them at leaste not at the same price and the vortechs are expensive as it is
Thanks for all the informative responses. Unfortunately money right now is an issue which is why I am going to go with the Korila's.

One day when I begin my many rounds of tank upgrades I was planning on looking at the Tunze's etc.
I love my Korilia's I have 2 3's in my 75 I would go with the 4's if I were you. Dont have any problems with the sand because of the wide flow.
Victor626nj;146654 wrote: i would have to agree with matt on this one i am not happy with the flow because i cant controll it thats why im getting to vortechs i would get tunzes but i wont achive what i want with them at leaste not at the same price and the vortechs are expensive as it is

You are correct, they can't be controlled which is not great. But they are affordable. I bought one used Vortech after I had already purchased my two Nano streams. I wasn't sure about their flow, noise, external component heat and other issues. I have to say that I really like it after getting it in my hands and playing with it for about two months now. I actually purchased the battery back up due to recent power failures in my area as well. So far I have no complaints with it. I could see myself, after saving a few pennies, buying another for my tank and continuing to use the nano's as well. This combination would allow great random movement within the tank. :)
Tunze quality on the Nanos is lacking, but CS has well made up for it. The Hydors are little tanks IMO. I had some voltage leaking problems when they first came out but otherwise very happy. Vortechs, too noisy for me. Tunze Nanos 6055s... best pump out there IMO. Small, nice flow, low wattage, controllable, reasonable for a controllable pump. Three were perfect for my 120g and if you get the multicontroller or an aquasurf two would probably be OK on a 90g if you sync them properly.
I have a 9.5 split into two also with two koralia 3's nad I have plenty...just my opinion
I was actually wondering if I should go with maybe a 4 and a 3. I would put the 4 on the left side of the tank by the overflow where the current is less. Then put the 3 on the right side.

Anyone running two different flowing powerheads or should I just stick with two of the same series?
Yeah ive ran 3 different PH's in my old 75 just trying to kick all the dead spots.