Power heads/wavemakers


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Hey gang! If you had to choose power heads/wavemakers for a 5’ tank, what would you use? What’s your favorite, or what do you wish you had instead of what you’ve got?
I was on the Gryre train because I got a gift certificate to BRS and they just-so-happen to be on sale right now. However, I've started looking into the Jebao Wavemakers, the RW 8's in particular. I can get 2 of them for half the price of a Gyre and now I'm all confused. @dball711 like the Gyres and @anit77 run's (ran) the Jebao's and they both make strong arguments. The one thing I can say is to make sure you get 'wavemakers' and not powerheads specifically. I'm a Tunze fanboy and have 3 of them in my current 4' frag tank and the flow is just too directional (if that's even the right word?). Basically, they push a nice stream of water but it's maybe 2-3" in diameter and it produces strong flow from one side of the tank to the other but no flow outside of their direct stream. The frags are either blown all over the place or calm with little polyps movement. Now that I think about it, this comment probably isn't much help to you beyond telling you what not to get. Good luck!
Love the MP40s but also like the Nero5s which are surprisingly versatile and strong for such little pumps. I have used gyres before, but being a lazy reefer, prefer the MP40s for ease of cleanup. With mobius from Ecotech you can program them with an app similar you the AI app.
I was thinking about MP40s. I have a WXM modules so I could control them thru Apex. Are MP40s good wavemakers, or just power heads?
Love the MP40s but also like the Nero5s which are surprisingly versatile and strong for such little pumps. I have used gyres before, but being a lazy reefer, prefer the MP40s for ease of cleanup. With mobius from Ecotech you can program them with an app similar you the AI
I was thinking about MP40s. I have a WXM modules so I could control them thru Apex. Are MP40s good wavemakers, or just power heads?
if you use a reeflink or mobius you can program then and control flow making waves or countercurrents or waves or multiple different configurations. Without the mobius or reeflink they are much less functional.
if you use a reeflink or mobius you can program then and control flow making waves or countercurrents or waves or multiple different configurations. Without the mobius or reeflink they are much less functional.
Interesting. Thanks for that feedback, Sherri. Anyone here that uses them with a WXM that can comment on what functionality is lost by using Apex? Ecotecs are the most expensive ones out there, so I'm trying to do some research before I drop a grand or two on them.
As far as controllability with apex, there are other pumps that can be controlled via apex as well if that is a big feature that you want.
As far as controllability with apex, there are other pumps that can be controlled via apex as well if that is a big feature that you want.
I guess what I'm looking for is best bang for my buck, and ability to control thru apex. I'd rather have wavemakers than a direct powerhead.
You can connect the mp40s via a WXM module- but the functionality for me was not as good as with the Ecotech controls. I use extenders in my home and Neptune has known issues with Wi-Fi extenders and therefore I don’t use the apex for flow or light control. I have never tried the WAV but they are made to work with apex. The maxspect gyres also work well with apex.
Dont the gyres need the icecap interface to work with the apex? And only the older models work with it? The newer XF series are not compatible with the apex
I'm only going 4ft, but I have a Jebao CP150 I got for $100, and it's set on the lowest because the thing just blows everything everywhere in my tank. I should have gone smaller.
You can control jebao powerheads with any 0-10v output (so yes - apex). I did this for over a year with zero issues and recently sold the interface to another member here. I actually built my own little interface and used it on 1 tank - then got lazy and purchased an interface for another tank.

I like the gyres we have on our 120 and seeing the deals on the newer ones of these - I would go that route.

Flow is wide, they can be put close to the surface, very controllable, powerful. I've seen plenty of reports about them being hard to clean but I don't think they are any worse than any of my other pumps.

The newer versions are supposedly easier to clean.
You can control jebao powerheads with any 0-10v output (so yes - apex). I did this for over a year with zero issues and recently sold the interface to another member here. I actually built my own little interface and used it on 1 tank - then got lazy and purchased an interface for another tank.

I like the gyres we have on our 120 and seeing the deals on the newer ones of these - I would go that route.

Flow is wide, they can be put close to the surface, very controllable, powerful. I've seen plenty of reports about them being hard to clean but I don't think they are any worse than any of my other pumps.

The newer versions are supposedly easier to clean.
And the new versions use the 0-10v the same as the older ones? Chances are interfaces will be launched soon enough for the newer ones anyway.
And the new versions use the 0-10v the same as the older ones? Chances are interfaces will be launched soon enough for the newer ones anyway.
And. Just thought about it. The only real apex control I would need would be on/off. I could plug them into an EB832 and just have them turned off when I feed so the new ones would be perfect. Cool. That’s the route I’m gonna take. Thanks everyone for the feedback and insight!!
And the new versions use the 0-10v the same as the older ones? Chances are interfaces will be launched soon enough for the newer ones anyway.

When I did this (it's been a few years and I'm old - so keep that in mind) - the jebao stuff was actually 0v - 5v. I controlled initially with an arduino - then I (heck, I don't have the little board and can't remember exactly how) altered my DIY interface to cut the apex output in half so I couldn't send too much control voltage to them. The purchase-able unit does that automatically.

If the newer versions of Jebao / Jecod stuff is truly 0-10v now - you could control without any type of interface - just a cable if they had a port to plug in to. All the Jebao stuff (that I messed with at least) is quite easy to control - including their dosing pumps.
The only reason I recommended the Jebao powerheads to Justin is because of his use in a 12" deep frag tank. I believe 2-3 individual powerheads in a 60g frag tank is more versatile than a single gyre. As far as Ecotech, I just can't see spending that kind of money on a PH. I know others have no issue with it, but for me I can get 2-4 for the cost of one MP. If I had an aesthetic (pun intended ;)) issue with a singe placement I might get one but that's would be the only reason.

If control is what your after the Jebao SW line do have 0-10v. I'm not 100% on the OW line as I don't see the port on the side of the controller. FishStreet doesn't mention it either and that's a great place for Jebao info. If you've got open ports on you're Apex Base or ADV I'd be happy to help you make up some wires for the SW's if you go that route. Doing that also means no wasted plugs on EB's.
I use to have the Gyre XF250 and the flow is amazing. However, maintenance sucks bad and you have to do it monthly else performance decline. The amount of parts to take apart is time consuming. I switched to MP40s and cleaning is a breeze now. However, it took me 3 MP40s to get to the flow I was getting with 2 Gyres.