Power heads/wavemakers

I guess what I'm looking for is best bang for my buck, and ability to control thru apex. I'd rather have wavemakers than a direct powerhead.
I am about to use both in a cube tank (93g). I have 1 MP40 (newest gen one), and I actually just ordered a maxspect Gyre XF350 to add to the tank. It should be here fri. I guess it really depends on your rockscape to. I have a very round rock shape to my tank so I have trouble on one side getting flow.
I use to have the Gyre XF250 and the flow is amazing. However, maintenance sucks bad and you have to do it monthly else performance decline. The amount of parts to take apart is time consuming. I switched to MP40s and cleaning is a breeze now. However, it took me 3 MP40s to get to the flow I was getting with 2 Gyres.
Are the MP40's significantly quieter than the Gyres?
Sound levels are reported to be low for both.

**Gyres have a limit of 1/2 inch glass, so igot an MP40 for my 50 display.

Have 2 gyres plus MP10‘s for frag tank, etc.
So we will see?
This will interface with most Powerheads if you want to drop $350 for it-
