Pros vs Cons of using Chemipure?


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I am one of those people who has always run Chemipure (currently using Chemipure Blue) in my tanks and never really thought much of not using it.

Came across a lot of discussion today on R2R about Chemipure stunting growth of corals... Should I stop using it?

Is there a downside to only having filter floss/skimmer as my filtration?
Logically media such as resins and carbons will not discriminate on what they pull out. The organics and other waste they pull out is the same stuff used by the corals to eat and grow. Same as the "adding nitrates" discussion... are we getting to the point of our aquariums being too clean?

With that said I usually tell my customers that it really should depend on your maintenance habits... if you are some one that changes water every week and keeps all the organic levels pretty low then I think it better to just go more natural and just use some good floss/socks and a skimmer + the water changes. The main filtration here being the actual water change.

But if your are some one that is more lazy and stretches the water changes or skips them out right from time to time... then it's nice to have something in there helping you out that allows you to do that. But some times lazy in our hobby means more expensive. If you run super high nitrates then the Chemipure won't be pulling out enough to take too much from the coral anyway.

Obviously those two scenarios above are not considering other reasons one might use something like Chemipure... such as battling high phosphate levels or helping to pull out medications. So long story short... there are situations where Chemipure is great or others where it seems a bit pointless and might even take good nutrients from coral.
Well said bro.

It depends on your maintenance habits and what coral you are keeping and your tank setup.

I have used it and not used It. Gfo, you name it.

There is always a place in my heart for chemipure in AIO tanks.

I think it is very useful in AIO with no real skimmers. Growth was never a problem but I always have run a heavy bioload.
I've been struggling with a ULN system, I'd like to get my nitrates up a bit without dosing stump remover, but its been harder to do while keeping phosphate in check. Maybe I'll remove the chemipure (its been used about 4 months, should be almost done) and see how the tank goes for a couple months.