purple/red algae killing zoas

thanks! I still havent done tests yet! sorry, i have been extremely busy, barely enough time to check the site...
covering with a couple towels now just on the sides where the prob is. like i said, no algae on the sand or rocks, just the zoas, gsp, ands raedioactive polyps....
the last time i tested, about a month ago there were no nitrites or trates and phos was within normal range on test. i dont have a mag test though...
What's "normal range"? I find interpretations of such can vary. For us, we consider less than .3 as "acceptable" but the closer to 0 the better.

Keep in mind too that there may be more nitrate/phosphate in the system that's not in solution in the water - ie it's bound up by the cyano.

If there's low nitrate & phosphate, I'd check into the magnesium level - that may be telling.

nitrate and trite were 0
i think off the top of my head the phos were on the high side of "normal"
on the api test..