Purple tangs sick!!! Need help!


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I just got a purple tang a few weeks ago and he got ick really bad after I introduced him into my main tank. I put him in a QT with a blue tang who to was sick. Well the purple tang was eating well and looked as if he was almost ick free so I moved him a the blue tang into a nano cube because I wanted to get them out of the copper. Well this morning surprisingly the blue tang died. Now the purple tang stopped eating and half of him is white! But its NOT ick at least I dont think it looks completly different. Any ideas on how I could get him to eat???
I'm sorry to hear about your loss - Tangs can be a handful. I hope your other tang recovers.
sounds like maybe you shouldn't have bought the PT with the BT in QT-just MO
I have been feeding with garlic. And I got both the tangs from the same tank so I dont think that was the problem
Well fisrt problem is removing him when he looked "almost" ich free... Second problem is the use of copper is really harsh and can kill very easy.

You say you do not htink he has ich because it look totally different. What does it look like? Pic?
You can really overdose copper if you don't know what you're doing, so odds are you messed up somehow.

Well if you got the tangs from the same tank, and they are having the same issues, then I would think that you need to go look at the inhabitants of that system that you got them from.

Almost ich-free isn't, ich-free. Leave them in QT for weeks after looking ich-free.
Ok thanks for the advise. And yeah I do think I messed up the copper but now got him out and im hoping for a full recovery.
I want to take a pic but cant camera is packed up and im heaing out to chicago tomarrow talk about perfect timing. The back half of him is white ad its not spotty like ich
They would have been better served in the 125 rather than a nano.

The happier the fish, the more they will fight ich themselves.
I know but I didnt want to medicate them in my main tank. And niether of them were eating at the time so I really didnt have a choice.
From what I've found, you are better off not even medicating a fish for ich. I simply provide them a comfortable home and plenty of food. Their own immune system will fight off the ich.

If they were from an established tank, they would have had no problems eating in your display.

All this is too late now, but keep it in mind for future reference.