Quarantined fish?


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Looking for a reasonably proceed source for quarantined fish. I have a good QT process but I’d like to increase the fish load in my tank. Just don’t want to wait for 30+ days for the next round of fish.
My very humble advice is to QT your own fish. Go slow. Buy them and watch 30 days (2 at a time) in QT and treat. Get to know them and observe them. The only way to know what is going in your display is to watch them in QT yourself for 30 days. I started doing this 3 years ago, and well, I am out of the market for new fish because my fish don't die anymore.
Yes, that what I’ve been doing but trying to build up more of a fish load in my tank. I’ll probably just keep doing the same since I’ve never had an issue with fish Heath.
TSM Aquatics. I will never let a non QT'ed fish in my tank. I have had several QT tanks running at once. I just got tired of having all those tanks. I have purchased several high end fish from TSM Aquatics and they all arrived and looked great. When you look at their prices versus the cost to QT a fish and the pain that goes along with it, they are not that expensive.

I have bought a Gem tang, Purple tang, D. Sailfin tang, True Blonde Naso tang, Divided Leopard wrasse, Eightline Flasher wrasse, Pintail Fairy wrasse, Yellow Flanked Fairy wrasse, and a Orangeback Fairy wrasse from them.