Question about Flame Angels


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Hello everyone, I was thinking about getting a flame angel for my fish tank but I am keeping LPS so I wanted to get your opinion and also if you have had trouble with them, what kinds of corals were they eating?
I had flame angel when i started reef keeping and I remember giving my flame angel to his office FOWLR. Of course i had LPS and zoas hammers etc. and I enjoyed corals more. If you can find one tank raised, you may have better success. The tank I had was 65Gallon.
My first ever flame angel was awesome. Didn’t touch anything. Had them for 5-6 years and it died… my replacement was satan. That thing ate everything and anything but fish food. Tore my 250 DD apart trying to get it out. I haven’t tried one since
I had flame angel when i started reef keeping and I remember giving my flame angel to his office FOWLR. Of course i had LPS and zoas hammers etc. and I enjoyed corals more. If you can find one tank raised, you may have better success. The tank I had was 65Gallon.
During the time you had your flame angel did you have any issues with it picking corals ?
I had one before and it didn’t touch any of my lps. But it’s one of those your mileage may vary fish.
Okay thank you I have a big trachea and I’m a little worried but honestly I like the fish more than the corals
My first ever flame angel was awesome. Didn’t touch anything. Had them for 5-6 years and it died… my replacement was satan. That thing ate everything and anything but fish food. Tore my 250 DD apart trying to get it out. I haven’t tried one since
What a shame that sucks that they vary that much. I hope you have better success in the future.
During the time you had your flame angel did you have any issues with it picking corals ?

It did. Reason it was moved to fish only system. I remember it being pretty quick at it.

Maybe because it was wile caught.

I think most of my fishes are all wile caught other than the designer clownfish.

Flame angel was one of very first fish for me. So pretty.

I would have flame angelfish and coral beauty angel fish in the same tank if big enough. Even better, get all the exotic angelfishes 🥹
It did. Reason it was moved to fish only system. I remember it being pretty quick at it.

Maybe because it was wile caught.

I think most of my fishes are all wile caught other than the designer clownfish.

Flame angel was one of very first fish for me. So pretty.

I would have flame angelfish and coral beauty angel fish in the same tank if big enough. Even better, get all the exotic angelfishes 🥹
What corals did it pick on ?
I forgot. That was like 15yrs ago. Frogspawn and hammers and Zoas maybe. Because I’ve never owned torches ^^;
I had one before and it never bothered any corals. It was a little more aggressive than my pygmy angel. Just be careful adding fish the same color combo as itself it may chase it for a tad then leave it alone.
Hello everyone, I was thinking about getting a flame angel for my fish tank but I am keeping LPS so I wanted to get your opinion and also if you have had trouble with them, what kinds of corals were they eating?
I have had one and currently have a dwarf coral beauty. I know that my Favia corals did not stand a chance and were a buffet for them. Interesting enough they left my blasto alone. Currently my coral beauty doesn't bother anything in my mixed reef. I have everything from acros, leathers, zoas, gsp and encrusting and he doesn't bother them. But favia seems to be a treat. That's been my experience.
They are a little aggressive once they claim a territory especially towards fish similar in size and color. So add last