question on corals


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ok well chrisjet offered me these corals for free(thank you), kenya tree, yellow polyps, red zoos, green zoos. i was wanting to know what could i do to make the input of these corals affect my system less. they will be fairly small so i dont think they will affect the system alot but was still wanting to know. i will make the skimmer wetter and have water on stand by for a change. anything else? thank you
what do you mean by input? and affect? (props on correct usage of affect)

I don't think you will throw off the chemistry of your tank by introducing these corals-- if that is what you intended to ask.

has your tank fully cycled?
my tank has definatly cycled unless a cycle takes about 8 months. just jokeing

i used the correct for of affect since i was in tag la. it was just that i couldnt tell the dif between adj and adv so i had a 79.444444444 .000000001 off.

yea that is what i meant. thank you will be looking for more input.
You should have no issues. You may need to keep up with trace elements from the corals pulling them out of the water. If you do regular water changes that would take care of that. Other than that, put them in and enjoy.
<span style="color: black;">Your bio load will be okay, fish generally are the big effectors of your system. As earlier mentioned your trace elements will need watched. </span>
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<span style="color: black;">Try using a word processor to write you post. Then copy/paste them to the thread. It will help most readers understand what you are saying. Remember there is a large age gap on these boards and we all do not use the same syntax, accents...etc.</span>
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Like everyone said, you will be fine with adding those corals. If you do regular water changes, your trace elements will be replenished. I have several more types that that, and I do a 25% water change every two weeks, and it is fine. Enjoy the corals... I had coral for over a year before getting fish.
ok thank you and ill try to word processing thing. thank you guys. i have additives that i can add for calcium, trace elements, essential elemnts, and iodine.
Just do water changes. Dont go down the suppliment road quite yet, they can affect your water quality in a negative way if you use too much. Water changes are a much better way to manage your water chemistry.
Blind, how often will you be doing water changes? Are these corals small frags? Water changes will replace the elements for now. When/if you move to other corals, it could be needed, but for now, I would keep it simple.

I also learned about this the hard way, so I'd like to pass this on: Don't add anything you can't test for. Some elements can be overdosed and be bad for your tank.

Keep asking questions! Great way for all of us to learn.

i do a waterchange every two weeks the frags are small. the only thing i am worried about is the calcium being sucked out.
Listen when I say this.

Do 2 week water changes and DO NOT ADD ANY ADDITIVES.
ok got it. i dont add any things in there anyways. i dont like messing with the tank if everthing is going alright i did that and lost 50 dollars so i learned my lesson the hard way also.
I would say don't add additives without being able to test for them first. When your magnesium bottoms out, it can take over a month to safely bring it back up to level. Once you've had these corals for a few months, I'd like to walk you through a comprehensive water test and teach you how to interpret the results.
Props to you Danny. This is the part of this club that I absolutely love. The willingness to educate others, help those who need support when 400 gallon tanks crack:doh:, and just good sharing of information.

Heck, if you're testing/teaching anything other than the basic ones, I want to be taught too!
The most advanced I've run is the Seachem Strontium - It comes with gloves and glasses as safety measures. If we could get a rep in on it, it could make for a great meeting.

One of these days I'll get to play with a colorimeter."></a>

I might just start saving up for that.. Hell, my Liquid Cooled MSI Geforce 8800GTX cost almost 2/3s of that...
corals won't add to your bioload, so as everyone has already said, keep up the water changes. You won't need any supps!
another question will kenya trees, yellow polyps, green and red zoos thrive in a tap water aquarium.
i would say maybe but that depends on your water quality i live in lawrenceville and if i used tap water everything in my tank might die just for the simple fact that there is so much copper in our water system yes it is cleaner than most as i only get 45 ppm but it is highly concetrated in copper enough to kill a fish so your corals wont make it threw that . but those corals you mention are hardier than mpst so if they do make it i would try useing ro water from now on good luck blind and happy reefing