Question on Tangs


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Well, I'm thinking about adding a new fish to my 135 and don't want to try the powder brown right now so I'm probably going to go against my initial plans and get a yellow tang. My question is can I add a powder brown later? Are their body types different enough that I can get away with both the yellow and powder brown later on?

in a 135, maybe. although I never liked the yellow tang, I would think with the different body shape and largeish tank, you should be ok. but I'm sure there are specifics like one being bigger than the other that someone else will have to mention as I do not have that worry in my 55, lol.
That was my initial thought as well. Not my fish of choice but the others in the house (including the one that pays the power bill :)) think they're cool. The powder brown or blonde naso are more my style at least within my budget.
You never know. I think I'm going to try and get a bigger one so it doesn't look lost in there. If anyone has one they're looking to get rid of let me know!
My yellow tang was in the tank 2 years before I added a powder blue. They worked out in a couple days. They get along great now.
I too didn't care to get a yellow tang. My gf at the time wanted one when I went to buy my naso and was willing to buy it so I have now had a yellow and naso for about a year. They get along great and both eat tons. I have to say that "Stan" has grown on me. I thought about getting rid of him when the gf and I broke up, but I couldn't bring myself to break up the pair
I wrote Zac a private message that told him I have 12 tangs in my tank, without issue. So thanks Allen456 for stepping up and making a very valid point.
I agree. All four of the tangs in my 120 each have their own little bat cave and do fine interacting with each other throughout the tank.

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i have a yellow tang purple tang and a hippo they get along great when i tried to add a naso they picked on him all the time
I need to get rid of mine as it's now too large for my tank. It's fat, but at one time (3 years), had some ich and lost a little sailfin. A large tank will fix that. Pm if you r interest. Free.
I have a large YT and a Sailfin in a 125g -- they swim together and get along fine. I did, however, put them in the tank at the same time -- they scared the crap out of my clowns -- but in a few days everyone hangs out together.

Frankly, if I had to part with one of my tangs -- it would be the YT -- I much prefer the Sailfin.
geno;201630 wrote: I have a large YT and a Sailfin in a 125g -- they swim together and get along fine. I did, however, put them in the tank at the same time -- they scared the crap out of my clowns -- but in a few days everyone hangs out together.

Frankly, if I had to part with one of my tangs -- it would be the YT -- I much prefer the Sailfin.

I love my sailfin. He eats just about everything I put in the tank and only hides when there is a net in the tank or if I'm moving rock work. He was taking flakes out of my hands the third day I had him. He is my favorite fish by far.