Questions about building a sump.


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Well, i have a 29 gallon tank, and i have an extra 10 gallon tank that i think i could use to build a sump or overflow. Really all i want to do is get the skimmer, heater, etc out of the tank to make it look better.

First is what size pump (GPH) would i need to return the water back to the main tank? And would i use a pump to send the water to the sump or just use gravity? Also do i need lights on my sump or is it fine in the dark 24/7?

And if you have any tips for this first timer, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
You would need an exteral overflow or you can have the tank drilled to add an internal overflow. Using gravity or a pump to get water down to you sump will fail at some point and leave you with a flooded room. The return pump should be chosen based on your tank size and overflow capacity. So, how big is the tank?
The main tank (29 Gallon) is 30" long, 12" wide, and 18" tall. And the 10 gallon is 20" long, 10" wide, and 12" tall. How would you suggest getting the water down to the sump.
Ive got a CPR overflw box and a few aqualifter pumps... once my camera battery recharges Ill post a pic.
The overflow box Tony's is selling would be a great choice. He can provide you with the flow rating and recommended return pump size for that overflow.
I've got a Mag 9.5 for my return pump on my 30G Oceanic cube. It's probably overkill, so I'd recommend a Mag 5 or 7.

Whatever combination you get, make sure your overflow can handle more GPH than your pump! Otherwise you'll end up with a flooded tank and empty sump!
Hey tony, how much are you selling the overflow for?

Also CGILL were did you buy the mag and how much was it?
How about $75? (they usually sell for about $90-100)
I'll also throw in a bunch of extra sponges and aqualifter pumps.
I am very interested. What are the measurements so i can make sure it fits inside my tank stand.
The internal portion only goes in about 2inches. The box is 6" wide and needs 4-5in of clearance behind the tank.
I used one of these on my 30gal with a mag5 return and never had any issues.
Here's a pic:
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when building your sump you will want to place baffles in the sump to help eliminate microbubbles going back into your tank. i commonly see peole place the baffles so that the water flows over the first, under the next, and over the last. i think that is not the best way to to do it however. i have mine setup so that the water has to flow under the first, over the 2nd, and under the third. if you think about how bubbles will try to get to the surface, why would you just let them go right over your first baffle. with the first being an under they will gather at the surface against the baffle. hope this helps.
Invest in a quality overflow like Tony's. You don't want that failing and water going everywhere.

This is open for debate, but the current popular opinions on water flow through the sump puts it at about 3-5 times per hour. So you should have a pump that puts out around 90-150gph including headloss. Headloss is simply the distance the water has to travel through pipes. I would suggest the quiet one 1200 which is more than you need but should still work well. Make sure it is a new Queit One the older ones apparently had issues. Try here"></a>

As for baffles to eliminate bubbles. Two baffles will likely get it done with three if you want to be sure. Over->Under->Over or Under->Over->Under work equally well. There was a pretty extensive test a few months back and they both netted near zero bubbles from the main compartment. You can go to Lowes and have them cut you three pieces of glass, pick up some 100% silicon but make sure it doesn't have mold and mildew protection (example: Bioseal on the front) and just silicon them in.

If you want some help with the baffles and don't mind a drive to Alpharetta, I can help you out. Mine aren't pretty, but they will hold just fine.

Here is a good example of something like what you are trying to do: