Questions, so many questions.


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Hey all. I'm currently running a Oceanic Biocube 29. No skimmer, just weekly 20% water changes. Red Sea Reef test kit, dosing with Brightwell's A, B, and C when needed for corals. Feeding phytoplankton. Chunk of chaeto right in the tank until the fuge basket gets here (and then I'll have to figure out a light for it back there because the back is not glass).

I am likely going to be moving soon, and ... really, I'd like to have a larger tank for more fish and corals. This was all I could afford at the time.

Could I run a HOB overflow to a sump, or must the tank be drilled? I can build my own sump (I want a refugium and/or an algae scrubber which I'll DIY as well), but ... I'm not sure about plumbing the tank. I'll probably do a HOB skimmer, since I want the sump to be my refugium and all that.

Just need a good idea of what will work. Thanks in advance!
If you're simply unsure about plumbing the tank then take the jump. It isn't nearly as complicated as it seems at first.
To directly answer your question yes you can do an HoB overflow, however most experienced reefers will tell you a drilled tank is better as it is one less system to fail.

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I could plumb it ... I'm pretty handy. I just have a tank available to me for free, plus the HOB overflow. I was just looking to see if I could get away with doing this for the time being, until I can afford a nice drilled tank. If my living situation weren't up in the air, I wouldn't even be asking this but it's looking like I may need to get out of here in the next couple of months.
What brand is the tank? Drilling a tank is t a big deal. I've done several of them myself .

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SnowManSnow;1109970 wrote: What brand is the tank? Drilling a tank isn't a big deal. I've done several of them myself .

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