Rainbow Anemone changing its ‘bubbles’


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Under the sea
So I’ve had this rainbow bubble tip anemone for about 6-7 years. Since then, he has split dozens of times... and just in the last couple days something interesting has happened.

1) when I purchased it, it originally had bubble tentacles in the fish store.
2) after I brought it home, it didn’t demonstrate the bubbles, and instead exhibited long tentacles.
3) these long tentacles persisted across all of the splits, as well as across multiple different tanks. This includes the current 125g that it has been in for the last .
4) as a few days ago, he decided to bubble.

this post is just an example for all those people out there that worry they are doing something wrong when their brand new bubble tips stop having bubbles. It’s just how they are. they can change their mind, so to speak, as to how they display themselves.

And .

•they have had a pair of clowns hosting them since the very beginning.
• water parameters, lighting, and temperature has seen no major changes in the last 6-12 months.
• The only new thing with the tank, is 1 lyretail Anthias that was added about a month or so ago.

this truly does seem to be a rather spontaneous change and not triggered by any perceived event.

Mine did the same thing. The tentacles kept getting longer and longer and started touching some of my corals.

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They do what they want when they want..1 hr its about 30-40 long tent, next hour 20 perfect bubble tips 3rd hr half and half, there funny lil animals