Re-introducing myself


New Member
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I suppose I should introduce myself again as it has been a long time since I was active.

I originally joined Atlanta Reef Club in 2013, and was active for a couple years until a tumor/knee surgery took up my time and my tank went sideways. I stepped out of the hobby for around 6 years, until I have finally forgotten the pain from my previous experience. 🤣.

Tanks I'm currently running:
- Nano reef tank, 20g AIO, that is currently hosting my pistol shrimp and YWG. Various zoas, a couple Frammer heads, a torch and some GSP. Oh and a beautiful BTA generously given to me by @seanb600
- 200g Reef Tank: Big ouch on this one.

I did not do the clean out I should before starting my 200g back up, instead I just pumped her right back up with RO. Old sand, old rock, salt crystals and everything in there. Things started out looking good with the cycle, but after ammonia dropped near zero and nitrites spiked.... they never came back down. Been over 25 (not .25) for a bit over a week now. I don't really have a good way to see if they are coming back down as 25 is maxing out the tests. I've done a few 20% water changes, but no real results yet. Switching to 80g per day in water changes for now until I can get things back into a testable range.

Anywho, good to be back, and everyone I have meet so far in the few weeks I have been back has been wonderful.

I look forward to meeting more of you.
At 25+ the nitrite is toxic to the point that the bacteria can't do anything. Keep up with the water changes until you dilute it down to a manageable levels and the cycle can continue.
I would just add bio spara
Every thing is great with the tank at this point. :) Did a few large water changes until the Nitrites were back in a reasonable range, and *boom* within a couple days everything started clicking and processing ammonia and nitrite like it should.