Ready to Dive in from Chatsworth


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Hello there! I joined ARC a few weeks ago and have been lurking around the site, but haven't introduced myself yet. My name's Pamela. I'm new to the saltwater hobby, but I've had freshwater tanks, off and on, all of my adult life (currently have 2). Always wanted to try saltwater, but finances, time, and obligations didn't permit it.
Growing up dirt-poor in the Appalachian mountains of Eastern Kentucky, I was fascinated with the ocean, and spent countless hours reading and daydreaming about the life in the Deep Blue Wonder. Coral reefs, specifically. I couldn't wait for the chance to go scuba diving and see it, experience it for myself in real life. Circumstances, family, and life in general took me in a different direction, but I never lost my desire to see the reef up close. I told myself, "When the kids are all grown and out of the house, I'll do it. I have time."
In March of 2020, when my youngest was a junior in highschool, I got the shocking stage 4 diagnosis. Inoperable, no possibility of "cure" or "remission" in my future. Six months later, in October, I suffered a triple whammy of pneumonia, sepsis, and massive renal failure. The only reason I'm telling you this is because the very procedure that saved my life also took away any possibility of seeing a coral reef up close. I can't be submerged in water, period. No bubble baths, hot tubs, swimming... certainly no diving.
I've spent the last few years doing what I had to, "stabilizing my parameters", so to speak lol. Diagnosis hasn't changed, but I'm stable, and grateful for every moment. I don't take anything for granted, or assume "I can do it tomorrow". I can still see a coral reef up close, I just have to make it myself. Even better, I get to keep it! This is something I've always wanted to do, so I'm going to dive into it and enjoy the process. And now that I've introduced myself, be prepared for a thousand questions lol. Thanks for reading this. Stay safe and stay blessed.
how big are you planning and what do you need to get started as of now?
how big are you planning and what do you need to get started as of now?
Like the typical newbie I jumped in head first, before doing any real research, and face-palming so hard for that now lol. I went out and got a 45 gallon undrilled tank and stand at PetSmart. Biggest I could get, both financially and space-wise. It's 36.25L x 24.80H x 12.60W, so tall and narrow! But hey, it's a tank, so I'm rolling with it. I'd like to clear out the spare room and get a bigger tank eventually, so this will be my "learner's tank". Going the "budget, then upgrade" route out of necessity. No sump, it's all HOB or in tank. I'm waiting for some equipment deliveries and trying to get my rock scaping set made reef rock that a very kind and generous fellow reefer gave me (I've already put a Treasure Chest from Tampa Bay Saltwater on my Christmas wish list lol). Still need a backup heater and a controller I can hook up to both, and the test kit for reef parameters. Saving for some decent lights for coral. I'm probably forgetting something... my mind blanks nowadays. Any suggestions for the "must haves", so I have the basics covered?
Apologies for the long posts and replies, y'all. I've done a bit of writing in my life, and keeping it short and sweet is difficult, if not impossible for me lol.
Good heater, I have a few unused one I can probably give. Not sure where chatworth is but I can ship it if it’s far.
Good lighting. Probably your biggest expense next to livestock. A good secondhand one like a prime will get you further than brand new leader quality one. Went with prime cause of price point and features.
Filtration. I don’t have recommendation on a good hand on one unfortunately. But that size tank if you keep up with water changes, it should be enough
Good heater, I have a few unused one I can probably give. Not sure where chatworth is but I can ship it if it’s far.
Good lighting. Probably your biggest expense next to livestock. A good secondhand one like a prime will get you further than brand new leader quality one. Went with prime cause of price point and features.
Filtration. I don’t have recommendation on a good hand on one unfortunately. But that size tank if you keep up with water changes, it should be enough
I appreciate the offer and advice more than you know. Chatsworth is in NW Georgia, next to Dalton (if you're familiar with it). I've been told Aquaclear is a good HOB filter. Also like the idea of a refugium, if I can figure out how to set it up for this tank. As for the lighting, I'll be saving for it while I'm getting the tank actually ready to sustain and grow corals, so that (hopefully) times out right. And keeping my eyes open for a good used Prime. Again, thanks for the advice. Following experienced advice beats clueless newbie trial and error, hands down lol.