I'm back! I can never stay gone for too long. I recently purchased a house and am finally ready to dive back in. My last tank was a nano mixed reef but my true love is a FWLR predator tank. This is only 65g with 15g sump. Not as big as I'd like but it will do for now. This time I made sure to take my time with the aquascape as I hate redoing the scape multiple times. I used a mix of live rock and life rock I used Marco e-400. Ps this stuff is amazing. Eventually I would like to add a frogfish, moray eel and later a tang.I have about 80 pounds of rock between the display and sump with 80 pound of sand. No cuc as of yet, I have a dogface puffer soo... It will be a learning curve. Any advice on keeping a cuc with a puffer would be greatly appreciated. As far as media I'm running filter floss with plenty of biological media. Thinking about adding a roller and a skimmer to help between feedings. Probably going to add some macro algae to help with nitrates and phosphates.
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