Red Sea Reef Foundation Pro Test Kits vs Salifert


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Is anyone using these on their reefs? I bought the calcium/alkalinity/magnesium combination kit from a Sponsor a couple weeks ago and did a head to head comparison with my Salifert kits on my 100 gallon reef tank last night.

Note that my calcium reactor has been disconnected for a couple weeks on this tank, and I have been doing numerous small changes just to see what/if any effect this has on my levels.

Red Sea Reef Foundation Pro
Calcium 500
KH 8.4
Mag 1540

Calcium 420 (exp. date 2/2014)
KH 7.2 (exp. date 5/2015)
Mag 1185 (exp. date 5/2012)

I will say that I used the KH standard solution included in the Salifert KH test kit, and the Red Sea kit came closer to the standard solution KH value than the Salifert KH test kit did, within the margin of error stated by Salifert.

Thoughts on these results? Huge difference in magnesium. I believe I am doing the tests correctly. I've used Salifert for 3 years, and the main (only issue, really) issue with the RS Pro kits is the alkalinity end color. The Vids on the RS website really help with that. I'm pretty sure my technique is OK for both brands.

If the RS Pro ca/KH/mag test kits are as accurate as RS claims, then the combo is a deal at about $47 out the door with discount. I bought mine at PureReef, and was told that they think the kits are very accurate, and that they use them on the 2 RSM display reef tanks they have set up.
I have been using the RS pro nitrate low level test kit for the past 3 months while on a journey to reduce Nitrate levels from 20+ to now at 0.5. It's very accurate. The only thing I wish they would do is allow you to purchase the reagents separately. Because once you purchase the kit with the color wheel and glass vials, you basically have to repurchase those items again and it would be cheaper to just buy refill reagents. But overall, very satisfied. Test ranges for low level are: 0, .25, .5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0
I just ordered the Salifert test kit since my Nitrates are below 1.0, so I will see what the Salifert results are. Hoping it will be comparable at near zero to keep Nitrates in line.
So, how are you planning on testing the accuracy of the kits? The only thing a head to head comparisson shows is that the 2 kits show different values. Which one is correct/more accurate?
For me, it's in how each test inteprets the results, so you can compare your end result (usually from a color swatch or wheel). If one test has colors that are very close to each other, then it's more difficult to pick the correct corresponding color, especially since everyone sees color differently. The RS color wheel has definitive color differences that are easy to match up to the color wheel.
Skriz;660802 wrote: So, how are you planning on testing the accuracy of the kits? The only thing a head to head comparisson shows is that the 2 kits show different values. Which one is correct/more accurate?

Funny you should mention this Raj, because here is what I was planning on doing to address just that. I think this might be a good thing to help ARC Members in their choice of test kits.

I want to borrow a set of (unexpired) Elos Test kits for calcium, magnesium and alkalinity from another ARC Member, and I will probably buy a set of API since they are not expensive. That would give a sampling of many widely used test kit brands, particularly the Elos, Salifert and API.

Here is the plan:
1.Take a sample of my 100 gallon reef tank water, and do tests with the Red Sea Pro Foundation, Elos, Salifert, and API test kits for calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium.

2. Buy a couple water analyses, and send the same water used in the tests in #1 out for lab analysis.

3. Compare and post the results.
Acroholic;660805 wrote: Funny you should mention this Raj, because here is what I was planning on doing to address just that. I think this might be a good thing to help ARC Members in their choice of test kits.

I want to borrow a set of (unexpired) Elos Test kits for calcium, magnesium and alkalinity from another ARC Member, and I will probably buy a set of API since they are not expensive. That would give a sampling of many widely used test kit brands, particularly the Elos, Salifert and API.

Here is the plan:
1.Take a sample of my 100 gallon reef tank water, and do tests with the Red Sea Pro Foundation, Elos, Salifert, and API test kits for calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium.

2. Buy a couple water analyses, and send the same water used in the tests in #1 out for lab analysis.

3. Compare and post the results.

I have some Elos kits you can have. They may be expired, but that would add another cool aspect of this: expired vs fresh..see how much, if any, they differ :)
I also have some expired Elos kits I could contribute. Well, I think they're expired, they're from an Elos power buy like 2 1/2 years ago...
Skriz;660857 wrote: I have some Elos kits you can have. They may be expired, but that would add another cool aspect of this: expired vs fresh..see how much, if any, they differ :)

Maybe do an Elos vs expired Elos subtest in the shoot out. I've often wondered about those expiration dates on test kits. LMK how to get them from you.

I'm ordering the testing materials from tonight, so I won't be doing the shoot out for several days.

weaglereefer;660885 wrote: I also have some expired Elos kits I could contribute. Well, I think they're expired, they're from an Elos power buy like 2 1/2 years ago...

Thanks Jeff, but I think I have it covered locally. I do appreciate it very much.:)
No problem. If it turns out they are close to the unexpired tests, I guess that will save me a chunk of change...
Here is a link from the forum that talks about aquarium water and some folks post their results and their results from certain brand test kits.

Acroholic;661021 wrote: Maybe do an Elos vs expired Elos subtest in the shoot out. I've often wondered about those expiration dates on test kits. LMK how to get them from you.

If you're going to follow through with this, I can send them to your house.
Skriz;661235 wrote: If you're going to follow through with this, I can send them to your house.

I am definitely following through on this. I just need to receive my test materials from I figure I'll be doing the testing sometime next week. I'll PM you my address if you would be kind enough to send them to me. Thanks very much Raj.
Dave, you have several tanks but if you want to use water from a different/situation tank also, I could bring some of my water by. Or, you could get some from Oz or others close by. You would have two control waters for testing. Just a thought.

AWTesting materials ordered. I anticipate doing the comparison next week. I may also be testing out a Hanna Checker for Calcium and will report back on that in comparison with the lab analysis as well.
Just wanted to post an update to this:

I received my testing kits from Aquarium Water Testing, and I am going to try to pick up the other brand test kits I am borrowing this weekend, so I look to do the tests and send off the water sample to AWT next week instead of this week. Had a couple things come up, and I need a decent block of time to be able to do all these tests at once.

Following this thread, because I was interested in buying the Red Sea Test Kits, over the API that I am using right now.