Red Sea Reef Foundation Pro Test Kits vs Salifert

OK everyone...I got back my AWT test results and I finally have time to post them. I will attach the full report so anyone can read it. To recap, AWT lost my first water sample, so they send me a new kit to resend, so I had to repeat all the testing. The water sample came from my 300/150 gallon reef system, and at the time I was running large quantities of new water through it r/t some coral issues I was having.

I will also preface this report by citing another much more in-depth comparison of different test kits done by the Dallas Fort-Worth Marine Aquarium Society (DFWMAS) with independent testing by AWT as I did. This report raises some problems with using for a "true" comparison with chemical test kits based on their methods of testing. Also, is not a Certified Lab as I thought. It is basically the corporate location of Aqua-Medic. They use high-end test kits and probes to get their results. So as not to reinvent the wheel, here is the DWMAS comparison, which explains the issues I refer to above."></a>

My test results. Please note that API does not make a magnesium test kit:

Red Sea---450---------------9.95-------------------1360
API---------420---------------10.00 (2.1 meq/L)-----1063

Discussion: Some of the test kit results are wildly different than others, and others are close. Everything is pretty good if I go by the Red Sea results. Not so good if I go by the results! Some brands are in close agreement on calcium , but not on alkalinity. I noted the Elos Alkalinity reading is very different compared to Salifert, Red Sea and API. I have also noted on other forums that Red Sea has give apparently high Magnesium levels in many Reefer's tests, like 1600 in several reported cases.

One very beneficial thing I did while in the middle of this test comparison was call and talk for an hour with the Owner of Elos USA. Really nice guy. Not to get too specific as to competitors, I will be using Elos Test Kits. I refer anyone to the bottom of this webpage for the reasons why: [IMG]"></a>.
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<legend> Attached files </legend> [IMG]" target="_blank" class="gc-files">AWT-8:16:11.pdf</a> <span class="gc-filesize">(165.4 KB)</span> </fieldset>
Dave- Thanks for the follow up on this. I myself purchased the Red Sea KH/CA/MG test kit two weeks ago and found it extremely strange that my MG level was off the charts +1600PPM when I knew I had not been dosing. To further my confusion after taking the reading from my tank I checked a fresh batch of salt water (Was using Red Sea Coral Pro at time) and it also tested offscale. I then mixed up a batch of Seachem Reef Salt and it tested at 1350 with a definite all in change from purple to blue on end point. Given the wide range of results compared to professional lab results its kind of scary how they can be that far off.
Many buyers have been getting erroneous readings of exactly 600 on their new Hanna Calcium checkers for some reason. I don't know why this is happening, but I have read this on several forum threads.
you may have said this but did u have to mail the water out to AWT or did u take it to them...if you did mail it could any of the values have been affected by the delay in testing due to travel time
I'm wondering why AWT CA and Alk readings are so low. I mean they seam really off.