red slim chemical help needed


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hey guys i treated my tank two days ago with ultralife red slime remover and it is needed to be retreated there is alittle more left and i was wondering do i need to do a water change first and then retreat or just retreat and i also have alkalin8.3-p to help kill my dynoflagic algae i was just wondering if i can use them at the same time or no or really how to go about usingthem to kill theese algae
You need to fix the nutrient problem, find the source, ie- what's the algae feeding on.Chemicals are only a band aid/ from what I understand and personally experienced.
yea i know but this what i have been told to do bc these are us t algaes that come and dont go away by removingthe nutrient. plus think once i get them under control it will be better
my apologies, but I cannot understand "run on sentences"...

general info:

Chemi-Clean and the like is an excellent product that I use when need arrises to kill cyno-bacteria...It's been about a year, however, since I have used it. It is usually caused by an imbalance in carbon dosing.....

in your case, you need to export the same amount or (now more) than you are importing.

Large Weekly water changes, wet skimming, Weekly GFO changes, Weekly Carbon such as Rox .08, CARBON dosing, Seachem Matrix Rock in a reactor, etc.....
okay im sorry. all i am trying to figure out is do i need to do a water change before the redose ? also can i use the alkat the same time to deal with my dino?
so i can use at the same time and do a water change. also i only have like 5g of good rodi water... what should i do. i hate Murphy's law
well the red slime remover that i am using say that i dont have to do a water changeijust want to to be safe.
crap, well im sol only have like 5g. will that be enough for now untili can find some that has some?
okay so what m really asking here is will it be okay if i do my 5g tonight and then do more tomarrow to finish out my 25% then retreat.
okay well thank you for the help. just to make sure im correct. im going to do my 5g water change tonight and then tomorrow i am going to finish out my 25% water change then treat with alk and red slime remover.
dude, get a RODI! you can get them for like $70 with all in-line filters. They are not as nice as the ones with the canister style housing, but they do the same thing.

Instead of buying more tanks buy a RODI. You are doing the same thing I did, scraping by on water!
Don't know if you have found this out or not... be careful with chemiclean and skimmers, has a tendency to foam. The chemiclean is an antibiotic ( I think) and it kills bacteria, including the cynobacteria (Red Slime). The water change helps to remove the nutrients that are released when all the bacteria die off. If not the nutrients end up feeding the cynobacteria and and badda bing... you are back where you start at.

For RODI...someone had this for sale"></a>

maybe see if they would be willing to ship to you, I usually pay for the shipping...rarely over $10/15 bucks. Might be worth it if you stay in the hobby for a long time (or even a moderate amount of time).

I'm a bit of a drive, but I'll be happy to give you some water if you bring the container ;-)
He's not using Chemiclean, he's using Ultralife Red Slime Remover - it's a different product (less volatile, IME).

Yes, do a water change before retreating.

I didn't see any red slime in the photos you sent me.

I do believe there are dinoflagellate algae there... but I'm not terribly experienced in dealing with that. Did you research that like I suggested?
