red slim chemical help needed

yes i did and talked to a saltwater store. they said that if i dose with alk8.4-p it should be gone in 3 days so im going to try it.

JDavid;865290 wrote: dude, get a RODI! you can get them for like $70 with all in-line filters. They are not as nice as the ones with the canister style housing, but they do the same thing.

Instead of buying more tanks buy a RODI. You are doing the same thing I did, scraping by on water!

i have a rodi unit i just have to replace the filters bc its giving out high tds water and i havnt had time to make it to a store to get the replacements yet. all the store are like 1-3 hrs away
Aren't you going to the army in a week- who's going to maintain your tank, did you ever get any cheto, it eats up most of the nutrients- I'm telling you it's all about the nutrients- I went through this myself- most all have, water changes but not too much- smaller ones more often- change filter material often if you have and don't go crazy on lights etc- i have you added a lot of livestock at once recently?
i leave june 10th. the tank is for my parents and for me so the are going to take care of it and maintain it, yes i did manage to get about a softball size peace of it for like 5 bucks and its in there growing. now about the live stock i took 6 damsels out and then added 2 snails and one fish sorry but i dont remember the name. o and 2 weeks ago i added 2 brittle stars and the day of the fragswap i added like 20 mini brittle stars. that about it. and all my problems have stemmed from my rodi water have a tds of 26... so i am goingto replace them and make good water today .
i treated my tank two days ago with ultralife red slime remover

He's not using Chemiclean, he's using Ultralife Red Slime Remover - it's a different product

This is where it pays to wake up and drink some more coffee a bit before I post...

Please disregard my post, mostly because it has nothing to do with what you are doing. The offer for the water is still on the table however, for you or anyone else who might need some.
thank you so much for the offer but your 1 45 mins away. thank you again tho