Reef safe aptasia eating fish???


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I have a 75 gallon reef tank.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to any type of reef safe, docile, aptasia eating fish I can put into my tank? I currently have about 5 small stalks.

I had a bad experience with pep shrimp and my corals so they are a no go. Joe's juice works initially but aptasia comes back in a few weeks. I've read the same about aptasia X.

Any proven fish docile suggestions?
I have heard that kalk and lime juice that is made into a thick paste works great, might be worth a try if you have some laying around.
I have none laying around nor do I even know where to buy it. If possible, I really just want a fish to do the job.
i would go with berghia nubibranch.
there are no 100% reef safe aptasia eating fish.
I have a matted filefish. Is a great fish to have in my sps tank.I welcome aptasia.
I put a small copperband butterfly in my farg tank and all the aptiasa are gone in 3 weeks.
Just make sure if you get a fish that eats aiptasia, that it will also eat other frozen/prepared foods. Many people do not consider how they will feed the fish once aiptasia is gone. Copper Banded Butterfly fish seem to be great aiptasia eaters and are magnificent looking, but they are really hit or miss on frozen foods. I have heard a lot of good results using File fish as well, and they do not seem to be quite as picky of eaters as CBBs are. Make sure you get the LFS to prove that it will take prepared foods, with whatever you decide to get. Also, CBB's are known to eat other anemones and feather dusters, so beware.
I've had 2 CBB's and couldn't get either to eat food i offered (not even live brine shrimp). One of them might have dabbled with aptasia but likely not much. I have a matted file fish that eats my prepared foods well, but aptasia don't seem to be dwindling so I don't think he's got a taste for them yet.
I've also tried aptasia-x but it doesn't really work for crap. It killed maybe 20% of the ones i hosed with it.

Really temped to get rid of my melanarus, coris, and 6 line wrasses just so i can get some berghia in there. Pretty sure they won't survive otherwise.
I had a small outbreak about a year ago and put in 10 peppermint shrimp and they took care of it pretty quick. The only problem is they paired up and killed off the rest if them over time. Now I just have one pair left as far as I can tell they haven't ever bothered my coral.
yeah, peppermints worked for me too, before i had the wrasses. I tried a couple after but the melanarus hunted them down within a day or 2.
ghbrewer;1012785 wrote: Just make sure if you get a fish that eats aiptasia, that it will also eat other frozen/prepared foods. Many people do not consider how they will feed the fish once aiptasia is gone. Copper Banded Butterfly fish seem to be great aiptasia eaters and are magnificent looking, but they are really hit or miss on frozen foods. I have heard a lot of good results using File fish as well, and they do not seem to be quite as picky of eaters as CBBs are. Make sure you get the LFS to prove that it will take prepared foods, with whatever you decide to get. Also, CBB's are known to eat other anemones and feather dusters, so beware.

+1,good points
PutEmUp;1012758 wrote: I have none laying around nor do I even know where to buy it.

Go to the section of the grocery store where the jars are and look for Mrs. Wages pickling lime. Might be the best bet if you only have a few.
Aiptasia X worked for me. Also making some kalk paste works but you must be very careful because it will rise your PH up significantly depending on the quantity used.
Give the manjano wand a try, when your done put it on the shelf, get it when you need it again.