Reef Safe Nudibranch?


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Came upon this little guy tonight...was wondering if he is to blame on why im having coral die off as well as a clam. pictures are not that great. also found what looks like 2 very small anemones. if i could get some sort of id on these i would appreciate it. sorry again for the bad pics...wont let me post pics can someone help me out.
One way is to just use photobucket. Load it there and paste the link here.

Which corals are you losing? Nudis are typically specific to a certain type of prey.
a> like this but has green to it...lost a claim, 3 plate corals, some sps.
Hummm, Looks almost like a soft coral eating nudi. I can not remember the species name off the top of my head. My rule of thumb... When in doubt, throw him out.
thanks...i went and chucked him. i was just getting a slow decline in corals and when i did my water tests everything checked out fine. i hope that solves my problem and i hope there are no more. got to do a big water change this weekend after all the coral i lost.
So you saw one nudi. I bet you there are a bunch more... That's how they roll.