reef safe???


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are hawkfish reef safe
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acroporas;192591 wrote: They will not eat coral, but they will eat crabs and shrimp."></a>[/QUOTE]
i dont think that is the same type but thanks
dawgdude;192609 wrote: Ive had a few hawks. They love shrimp, but a few rare ones will leave some cleaners and coral bandeds alone. They do pose a problem because they can birch on and break SPS branches and knock off frags because they pirch ALL over the place. I like the character they give to a tank but think I would have alot of frags lost and knocked over so I havent bought one.
i dont have any and dont think ill be getting any you thinke that if my pepperments are bigger then there mouths they wont try to eat them or will they become lunch
I've heard that longnose hawkfish play nice with inverts. Any truth to that?
lol i dont have that kind of cash to get them but im going to set up a $30 and was told a huma huma would be fine in ther is that true? if not what would be ok in that tank would like to do a tank with a snowflake in it like hiw and a huma? or him and a hawkfish?
Barbara;192694 wrote: I've always wanted a Pixie hawkfish. They are the smallest, and therefore the most likely <u>not</u> to kill my shrimp. I've researched, asked, researched some more, and I'm just not willing to risk it. I haven't found enough evidence to try even a Pixie hawkfish, and I've wanted one for years. I have also read and heard that a long nosed hawkfish would be okay, but I don't really like those. It's a Pixie or nothing for me, and for now it has to be nothing.
i fellthe same way thats what i want
I have a flamehawk and a cleaner shrimp that have co-existed for over a year with no problem. It might have something to do with the flamehawk being introduced into the tank after the cleaner shrimp was already established. I think if I added some small peppermints in there now, Hawkeye would nab 'em.

I added a tiny sally lightfoot crab to the tank 3-4 months ago and it's still fine. Probably quadrupled in size.

My tank also has several small hermit crabs and snails.
yeah thats what made me want one. i have 3 peppermint shrimp and they are no where near death they ate the aip like it was nothing and they help keep the sand and the rock clea so dont looking like ill be getting one till i get me 29 set up do you think one oh them would be ok with a eel? in a 29 gal or 30 long
Linda Lee;192731 wrote: I have a flamehawk and a cleaner shrimp that have co-existed for over a year with no problem. It might have something to do with the flamehawk being introduced into the tank after the cleaner shrimp was already established. I think if I added some small peppermints in there now, Hawkeye would nab 'em.

I added a tiny sally lightfoot crab to the tank 3-4 months ago and it's still fine. Probably quadrupled in size.

My tank also has several small hermit crabs and snails.
thats what make me want to try it but i like my lil guys
dawgdude;192735 wrote: Ive seen a longnose tear apart a peppermint so I wouldnt suggest it. As far as the humu, triggers are very active swimmers and need more space than a 30. I would say a 48" long tank for those guys. It should be ok with the snowflake though. The eel will almost absolutly eat the peppermints.
what i was asking is would they be ok in my tank im going to set up not with my shrimp they are in my tank now and will stay there lol sorry about that
ok here is the ?? what would do ok in a 30 with the hawkfish i was told a huma huma would but you said they need bigger so thats that. would a eel be ok with the hawkfish? in a 30
Hawkfish are awesome! I have a spotted hawk, and he is by far my favorite fish. He does perch all over everything, so you have to watch the frags, as Charlie said. Mine coexists with hermits and sallies, and a porcelain crab just fine. Shrimp... I dont have any, so I'm unsure on that one.
jgilley84;192781 wrote: ok so if i get a small snow flake and a good size hawkfish ill be good

Make sure your tank is <u>tightly covered</u> with a secure lid. Eels will make an effort to escape, especially from that small a tank where they can easily reach the surface. My dwarf golden moray is in a 90g with only eggcrate and there's a lot of water column between the LR and the eggcrate at the top, so he doesnt wander, but I'm sure if I stacked my rock up high enough, he'd go right up the ladder and get out.

Minimum tank size for a snowflake is 40g and they grow to be about 3 feet. Eventually, you'd need to upgrade its home.

Good info">here</a>.

Glad to see you're doing a lot of research and asking lots of questions before stocking your systems.

I have a spotted hawk. It leaves the CUC alone but once i added a cleaner shrimp in the tank. He was dead 5 seconds after he hit the water.