Reef Shac's Fish Specials 1/29


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This weeks fish stocklist
Melanarus Wrasse $26
Golden Head Sleeper Goby $25
Diamond Goby $25
Yasa Hashe Goby $40
Blue Regal Tang (Hippo) $40
Lyretail Anthias $20
Sixline Wrasse $20
Orange Anthias $25
Ruby Red Dragonette $15
Tailspot Blenny $20
Scotter Blenny $10
Bartlett's Anthias $40
Bicolor Pseudo $15
Strawberry Pseudo $15
Christmas Wrasse $30
Queen Angel $125
Chevron Tang $125
Scopas Tang $35
Yellow Tang Small $25
Yellow Tang Medium $35
Naso Tang $60
Blonde Naso $70
Firefish $15 or 2 for $25
Fairy Wrasse $30
Ocellaris Clownfish $15 or 2 for $25
Black and White Ocellaris $25 or 2 for $45
Maine Mocha Clownfish $35
Wyoming White Clownfish $65
Platinum Clownfish $50
Flurry Clownfish $65
Wide Bar Gladiator Clownfish $40
Mocha Wide Bar Gladiator Clownfish $60
Gold Stripe Clownfish $20
Premium Snowflake Clownfish $50
Black and White Premium Snowflake $65
Naked Clownfish $40
Fire Shrimp $25
Large Cleaner Shrimp $25
Peppermint Shrimp $5
Hermit Crabs $1
Astrea Snails $1
Emerald Crabs $5
Nerite Snails $1
Nassarius Snails $1
Fighting Conchs $8
hzheng33;1011390 wrote: so do we prepay for what we're interested before you order them? or do you already have them in the store?
He has those in-store. I was there yesterday to pickup my Scott's Fairy Wrasse and he was unboxing them.
Ruby Red Dragonets for $15??!! Holy moly! Thats gotta be a typo. If not Ill take two.
Ruby Reds are pending for pickup tomorrow, if they fall through I will let you know. I will try to get some more for you