Reef Tank online


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Just for fun I hooked up my laptop camera and put it on my reef tank. It's broadcasting the image on my 210 at this site;"></a>

if any body wants to check it out. Not a great image but still pretty cool.
I have been wanting to set something like this up with the 160! I'll have to check into it! Nice looking tank!
thanks guys... Bud PMed me and made me move it watch the LTA and the clowns... that Chevron Tang is a real ham too
LOL! yep. I saw you looking so I moved the camera
They are all doing great! Probably get moved to the 210 next week
yep. it rocks! Been eating great and gets along with everyone... i am really hoping your regal doesn't beat the crap out of it
Great! I'd been toying with doing something like this--(mostly so when I was travelling and my wife said that something didn't look right I could see what she was talking about!) but it's still on the 'round tuit' list!
That's why I got this one too.... I know I'll be headed out of town again soon and it's sort of a security blanket while I am gone. I figure I can hook up my old PC to the camera and just let it run
pretty cool. The lighting and image quality is not great but it's just an inexpensive web camera.
Sure is! I have two juveniles in the tank and they are great fish! very active and eating great too