reef tank with dual overflows 6' into basement sump ADVISE


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Ok , now its time to plumb this monster. Does anyone out there have a DT upstairs and a basement sump 6 to 7' below in a basement? I need some advice on when to connect the 2 drains into 1 line and then split off into a 75 gallon sump. Also need some advice on how the return should be using a separate tank for the refugium. ADVISE please.:confused2:
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keep your drains separate (in case of a clog), id recommend you look up the Bean overflow system on RC actually.

Then just drain into your fuge and let that overflow into your sump.

Also be sure to get a pressure rated pump to make up the vertical head. Its not really much different that just having everything under the stand.
EnderG60;756691 wrote: keep your drains separate (in case of a clog), id recommend you look up the Bean overflow system on RC actually.

Then just drain into your fuge and let that overflow into your sump.

Also be sure to get a pressure rated pump to make up the vertical head. Its not really much different that just having everything under the stand.

+1 also check out the herbie method
Also you may won't to add a p trap to slow the water it may pick up to much flow from the strait drop down and overflow you filter sock. If possible on the dt if you can hide the return hoses on the back of the tank I would use the drilled return holes as back up drains incase a snail gits in the main drains it will also allow you to run a bigger pump from sump to dt
Oh and dont forget a flapper style check valve on the return pump. Not for flood control but to keep the water from back spinning the motor when the power cuts out.
Yes, I am planning to use the Herbie method. I honestly don't understand the need for the third drain (not do I have a third hole) on the Bean method. I guess just extra insurance.

I plan to finally get mine plumbed and operating this weekend, so I will let you know.
the 3rd drain is an emergency drain. You are backing #1 down to just below the needed flow, so #2 can quietly get whats left over. If #2 gets clogged with a snail. Your screwed.
Or in the case of the pump you sold me Real Fish, you need all three just to keep up with the pump. LOL Wow that thing puts out the flow. :) Hope you had a good Vacation and thanks for the pump. It is killer.
EnderG60;756855 wrote: the 3rd drain is an emergency drain. You are backing #1 down to just below the needed flow, so #2 can quietly get whats left over. If #2 gets clogged with a snail. Your screwed.

Not really because the second one has such a small amount of flow. One the Herbie, the second one is usually a Durso that should handle more than the flow of the full siphon primary drain. I guess redundancy is good, but I figure if two drains get clogged, I'm not doing my maintenance. In my case, I'm actually running four since I have dual overflows.

rdnelson99;756886 wrote: Or in the case of the pump you sold me Real Fish, you need all three just to keep up with the pump. LOL Wow that thing puts out the flow. :) Hope you had a good Vacation and thanks for the pump. It is killer.

Glad it is working out for you. I had originally bought it for a 100 and it was more than I needed. I'm not sure if I actually ever ran it or just used it for a very short time.
I normally don't like to restrict flow from tank to sump... but you may want to use ball valves to slow the 6' - 7' drop.
Thanks Folks, I will be running 2 x 2" drains all the way to the sump. I will have to use a couple elbows
I plumbed a 120G to a basement sump. You can see pictures of the plumbing in my thread on pages 2 and 3 and then some changes I made on later pages."></a>

I had two overflows, split one to go to the refugium and sump; and the other split between my external skimmer and sump. The lines going to the skimmer and sump had gate valves so I could control the flow through them.