reefbreeder photon blues vs whites


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I have the photon 48 and ive been tinkering with the settings a bit..i have all sps in the tank (90 gal) it best to keep the blues close to the white for example 45% blue 40% white or is there some advantage to have the blues higher example 60% blue 40% just trying to find what people are having the most success with running blues closer to whites or higher thanks for any advise ..
Im trying to figure that out myself. My photon is about three weeks old. The owner at Nemo said to keep the whites under 40% and to crank up the blue as much as you want. My tank is all LPS..only sign of distress is the candy cane is not opening up as much. went from 30% to 40 in three weeks.
They suggest you start low and bring it up 10% every week until you peak out where you want to end up at. I started mine at something like 30% blues and 10% whites and finally ended up at 90% blues and 35% whites.
yeah I like the blue look more also I'm trying to get to 100% blues 40% white o like the look at that setting ..