Reefbreeders photon 48v2 or noopsyche V3?


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All right, here we go. I tried the t5s for a few months with my KessilA360x. Could not stand the t5s, lol. I know the health of the coral is what's primary but I couldn't take the Windex look and the colors not being represented properly. There was also the added heat, the lack of space to get into my tank without completely disassembling my light fixture, blah blah blah. Sold the t5 and now I'm stuck with just the kessil. Another reason I was okay with this loss of par is because I've decided to let go of the SPS and focus on LPS only. Having said that, I do still want an adequate amount of par from my LEDs. I'm considering going with either two noopsyche's or the 48-in reef breeders. I like the fact that the noopsyches will take up less real estate above my tank, but I've heard nothing but great things about the reef breeders and their warranty. Thoughts?
Speaking based on my experience with the previous gen of reef breeder: I would definitely recommend it. It grows corals of all types without any issue. My initial thought after changing to radion a couple years ago was that I should’ve stick with reef breeder.

the newer gen is obviously better.
Are you planning on keeping the A360X's over the tank? If so the Reef Breeders Photon wouldn't be a good choice. In that case LED bars would be a better option.

We tested the RB Photon's I have last weekend and at 80% with just the 3 blue channels I was quite impressed with the par. Even down 25" at the bottom the par was very good. But there is some hot spotting with them. I do plan on adding 4 to 6 48" led bars and that will make for better uniform coverage at a lower percentage of power on the Photon's. You will not have any problem keeping SPS with them, just without bars placement would be better under a hot spot.

I do not have any experience with the Noop's beyond seeing the gen 1's on some tanks. My application just wasn't conducive to using them just for the sheer number of units I would need to cover the footprint I need to light. The gen 2 seem decent and I know Scott will want to kill me for saying this, but they wouldn't be my 1st choice.

My plan for tuning the lights is to get 90% to 95% of the par/pur from just the blue channels and then set and forget them. From there adjust the visual appearance of the display with the green/mint, red and while channels to your liking. You can even mess with them all you want and not really upset much of anything just leave the blues alone unless you're acclimating a new coral.
Are you planning on keeping the A360X's over the tank? If so the Reef Breeders Photon wouldn't be a good choice. In that case LED bars would be a better option.

We tested the RB Photon's I have last weekend and at 80% with just the 3 blue channels I was quite impressed with the par. Even down 25" at the bottom the par was very good. But there is some hot spotting with them. I do plan on adding 4 to 6 48" led bars and that will make for better uniform coverage at a lower percentage of power on the Photon's. You will not have any problem keeping SPS with them, just without bars placement would be better under a hot spot.

I do not have any experience with the Noop's beyond seeing the gen 1's on some tanks. My application just wasn't conducive to using them just for the sheer number of units I would need to cover the footprint I need to light. The gen 2 seem decent and I know Scott will want to kill me for saying this, but they wouldn't be my 1st choice.

My plan for tuning the lights is to get 90% to 95% of the par/pur from just the blue channels and then set and forget them. From there adjust the visual appearance of the display with the green/mint, red and while channels to your liking. You can even mess with them all you want and not really upset much of anything just leave the blues alone unless you're acclimating a new coral.
I would get rid of the kessil's.
I know this isn't a common application. But if you can find a height the minimizes the light hitting the front glass on your tank. A little bit of an angle goes a long way towards keep maintenance lower. I don't have to clean very often. This is about a foot from the lowest point.
My reefbreeder light is great - easily maintains par in a 30” deep tank. The Wi-Fi feature was the way to go for me- easy to use set and check remotely. The owner Logan was great to work with and very helpful and knowledgeable. I have no experience with the noops personally. But our club has the distribution liaison for noops @scottw and a lot of members love these lights too! Scott is a wealth on information and he has some deals he posts for members on this forum occasionally. I think his hybrid fixture is amazing. It is up to you to decide what better suits your purposes.
My reefbreeder light is great - easily maintains par in a 30” deep tank. The Wi-Fi feature was the way to go for me- easy to use set and check remotely. The owner Logan was great to work with and very helpful and knowledgeable. I have no experience with the noops personally. But our club has the distribution liaison for noops @scottw and a lot of members love these lights too! Scott is a wealth on information and he has some deals he posts for members on this forum occasionally. I think his hybrid fixture is amazing. It is up to you to decide what better suits your purposes.
I'm heavily leaning towards the reefbreeders. The only thing I don't like about them is that I have to pay an extra $250 for the app capability. But I guess if I do set it and forget it, it shouldn't be a big deal.
I'm heavily leaning towards the reefbreeders. The only thing I don't like about them is that I have to pay an extra $250 for the app capability. But I guess if I do set it and forget it, it shouldn't be a big deal.
I got lucky and got the 4 V2+'s on sale from Marine Depot a year ago. I bought the Nexus kits for them and installed myself. If you went that route I'd be happy to install the new card on the light for you, I've only done if 4 times already ;). That'd save you $170 if you bought the light directly from RB at $594.99
Well, I didn't even know it was an option to buy the chip separately. Just saw it on the BRS website. I will definitely take you up on that. Adam, thank you
Well, I didn't even know it was an option to buy the chip separately. Just saw it on the BRS website. I will definitely take you up on that. Adam, thank you
They are now on sale and in stock at BRS.

Okay, I'm getting ready to pull the trigger on the reefbreeders. Do any of you that are currently using them Have a couple of pictures to share of your tanks? I've never seen them in person and I'm curious about the colors they produce visually on the corals
Sorry I am to lazy at the moment to get up and get a proper pic


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I’ve been running these for years with good results


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